Thursday, December 14, 2006
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?Depends on the present. Usually there are presents from everyone wrapped, then Santa fills the stockings, some wrapped some not, and then if he brings a BIG gift…it is not wrapped.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?I have two trees (both happen to be in storage this year) one has white lights and one has colored.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?There is really no point…I have given up!
5. When do you put your decorations up?When I get to I want them up November 1st, but I try to make myself wait until after the Thanksgiving meal.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?My mom’s hamwiches on Christmas eve…YUMMY!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child:Every year that we lived in Kenya my parents hosted a city wide open house party. This was scheduled from noon till whenever we shut down for the evening, everyone from missionaries to Indian businessmen, to members of our church, and friends from the Eldoret club came. I think the first year we had maybe 70 people show up, by my senior year it was tradition in our town and I think at last count we had over 300! J Some of the best memories of my life were centered around those days. All races, tribes and tongues coming together to live, laugh and love.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?You mean that he is real? Um I don’t remember how I found out, but I remember being really angry at all the people trying to tell me he wasn’t. I am almost 30 and I still believe……
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?Yes, it is always an ornament from my mom to add to our collection for our future (or my current) household.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas treeLights (duh), some breakable balls, personal ornaments, homemade ornaments, gifts from friends….every one has its own story of how it ended up on our tree.
11. Snow? Love it or Dread it?Love love love love!
12. Can you ice skate?I have done it a couple of times, would love to do it more often.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?hmm….there are several.
One year, right after we moved to Africa, my mom made matching PJ’s for my cabbage patch babies (one boy and one girl) and I got a cradle to use to put them in. I loved that year.
I got the game of LIFE…I had always wanted it and I remember holding it up and yelling “LIFE!! LIFE!! LIFE!!”
Oh and in the foggiest traces of my memory I remember on year, I was probably 3 or 4, and I got a Strawberry shortcake sleeping bag and strawberry shortcake pillows that my gran had made to match. I remember that the biggest box under the tree was for me…..happy times.
14. What's the most exciting thing about the Holidays for you?Holidays are actually hard for me because no matter where in the world I am I am always far away from someone I love. I guess really the most exciting thing is to hear about and relive in my mind the birth of Christ…he also knew what it was like to be far away from the ones he loved.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?You are kidding me right? There is no way I can pick just one. Cherry pie probably tops the list.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?My dad reading the Christmas story out of both Matthew and Luke on Christmas Eve.
17. What tops your tree?A big bow.
18. Which do you prefer - giving or receiving?Definitely giving….I am like a child opening a gift when I watch someone open what I have taken time and effort to find and wrap for them…I love it!
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
I miss you most at Christmas time – Mariah Carey, describes my heart
Light of the World – The Martins, describes the reason.
20. Candy canes?Question or a statement here? Dumb.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Update and stuff like that
On that same day, Friday the wonderful 15th. I will be paying off my car! Yeah!!!!! At 211,000+ miles my little "Franny" is still running strong, she needs a screw tightened her and there, but she proudly takes me where I need to go.
All this money freed up, whatever will I do....well though I would love to use the extra flow to sit tight and pay off some bills, instead I will be finding a place to live and paying joy! (readers in the Dallas area, looking for a great place in Los Colinas, or similar let me know if you know of inexpensive there-readers in other parts of the world, please pray that God leads me to exactly the place that I need to live and be.)
My parents have been stateside now for a little over a month and I have only seen them twice. The first was when I drove over to Atlanta to pick them up. And the second was a couple of weeks later the weekened of the 19th. I flew into NC to suprise my mom for her birthday. I was able to very successfully pull this off with the help of my Dad and A. Pam. They simply told her they wanted to go shopping, but they needed to stop by the airport to pick up a package first. My mom, never one to question, said ok. As they pulled up my dad said, "there is the package", and my mom is looking for a box on the ground. Instead I walked up to the car! It was the best look on her face ever! I wish I'd had a camera to capture the moment!
Good news in the brother department. Healthwise, both are doing better though still not totally up to par.
Devin is having a fairly successful transition. I know this in large part to all of you who are praying for him and I am thankful to each one of you. Through a series of wonderful miracles, he is going to be attending Liberty University in the spring on a scholarship that will pay all but his housing! We did not think that this was going to be possible this school year and were prepared for him to go to a community college in Lynchberg for a semester instead. However, God had bigger plans and Devin will be able to live on campus and attend Liberty.
Derek has decided to leave the soccer world for a time and having sold his car, and planning on selling most of his other earthly possessions will hopefully be making his way back to Africa with my parents in February. His purpose there is unknown as of yet, but he hopes to make a bit of a life change and perhaps begin to do some freelance writing which is his passion.
Christmas is quickly approaching and this year time will be spent both in Missouri and in Texas with the respective families there. As long as I am with my parents and brothers I will be happy.
That's all she wrote for now.....
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Christmas Spirit
About a week ago, my dear friend Chad K. came to town to visit. He was staying at the house of other friends, but normally when he comes to town we all spend the whole weekend together. I however, was in Grinch mode, and though I would have loved to have spent time with everyone, truthfully I was just in a bad mood that would have brought everyone down. Needless to say I avoid human contact.
Chad knowing that being "un-Christmas-y" was simply not me took the time to make "Amanda's Christmas Mix '06". A wonderful, wonderful, wonderful suprise that came to me in the mail yesterday!
For those of you who may be discombobulated as I was, don't sit at home wallowing in it. Get out. Watch some children play, make a christmas mix '06 for yourself, bake some banana or pumpkin bread for someone you love and remind yourself that Christmas is not for wallowing it is for remembering the Joy of Jesus' birth, for loving family (or friends like family) a little extra, and for even a moment having "Peace on Earth".
What a wonderful demonstration of Christmas Spirit! Thanks, Chad! Love you sweet friend!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
A New Perspective
DENIAL (ANTICIPATORY STRESS) - "It can't be happening to me." (Good coping mechanism.) Preparation stage; moving confusion.
HONEYMOON PHASE (ANTICIPATION AND ANXIETY) - Excitement over the upcoming relocation and the "newness" of it all may cloud other feelings.
DISENCHANTMENT (BEGINNING OF THE READJUSTMENT CRISIS) - Often coupled with feelings of dislocation. Little things become major hassles (finding the right foods; remembering where you packed something, etc.)
ANGER - May develop as disenchantment and frustrations grow. There may be a sense of loss, separation, anxiety and/or a perceived lack of control.
GUILT - Guilt may arise over the decision to relocate, especially for the relocated employee if the family is having serious difficulties.
GRIEF or DEPRESSION - Depression may set in as individual and/or family confronts changes, disappointments and difficulties during the adjustment period.
ACCEPTANCE - Coming to terms with our feelings and re-accepting our new lifestyle. The realization that something is changing; that different can also be good.
For me this week DISENCHANTMENT was really the key issue. I am away from the routine of life that I had become accustomed too, and trying to establish a life here.
So now for the good part of my story.
I decided the only way out of my funky mood was to just get out and smile at some others. Stop thinking about me, myself and I and find out who I could be Jesus too!
I went to the Galleria mall here in Dallas, found a cup of coffee and sat down to people watch around the ice rink. I was reading the poster on the table and found out that Kurt Browning (4 time world champion ice skater) was going to be on the ice below me in less than an hour! LOVE IT!!! So I was sitting there minding my own, when a lady came up and asked if she could share the table with me and her 80 year old aunt. I said, "Of course". So she came along and they sat down to wait and watch, and then there were two other ladies who came to sit down. We introduced ourself, and laughed at how fun the Christmas season was that brought perfect strangers to sit down next to each other.
Kurt Browning took the ice and WOW! Amazing!
To think I would have missed the blessing had I just continued to sit at home and feel sorry for myself.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
James 1: 5-6
Friday, November 17, 2006
Psalm 34:8-10
Be blessed today!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Atlanta, the Eagles have Landed
It was 3:40 when I left Columbus, it was an hour and half drive to Atlanta....I was so in trouble.
Then the wrong turn onto the intrastate highway.....Of course, every backwoods, old person who doesn't know that they have upped the speed limit from 35 mph years ago...drove in front of me. Note here that I did not curse in anyway, but I did pray really hard!!
Finally, up ahead a clearing through the trees, and I see the most beautiful thing I have seen on this trip - and this trip has been so beautiful with the changing of leaves, etc - there it was...INTERSTATE 85!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!
I hopped on and drove at speeds I could have been arrested for....praying all the way that I would not pass any cops....and I did not.
I got into the airport....and literally ran to the baggage claim, where flight 2227 from London was no where to be found. So I then walked quickly to the arrival area, just in time to see them walking towards me!!!! yes!!!!! Baggage claim flashed up their flight....their bags all got here safe and sound, we drove to pick up the other brother....and joy of joy we are all together!
Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Leaving Africa
Please be in prayer as they travel and as his heart hurts. Pray that God's amazing grace will transend all the pain of leaving and they will feel the comfort and love of HIM.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
News from Botswana
Dear Loved Ones,
What a day!! Our last Sunday was filled with blessings. Our attendance was good. We had three visitors, including a girl we have been inviting for over a year. We baptized three young men, two Batswana and one Kenyan. We heard a testimony from our Indian family. Their daughter almost died with an aneurysm last year. They got word this week that she is completely cured and will be traveling to visit with them in November.
Last January, one of our ladies left to work in England. Her children are here and have been unable to come to church because the father will not bring them and they live far. Today, I gave a shout of joy and tears filled my eyes as I saw Agnes and Allune come in the door. One of our ladies knew I would love to see them and made arrangements for them to come with her. They will travel in January to live with their mother so that was our last chance to see them.
At the fellowship after the baptism, our people gave Devin some gifts and also some gifts were given to Dennis, a young Tanzanian man who will soon be returning to Tanzania. We sure hate to see him go, God has his hand on that young man. We are thankful that God goes before him to prepare the way for him.
As Steve and I talked after everyone had gone home, we just commented that all of this is what GOD has done. It is so great to watch Him work and trust Him as he leads us along. We leave Tuesday at 5 pm from Gaborone. It sounds like the tiny airport will be filled with people that love Devin and his parents! We so treasure your prayers. It was an emotional day today and Tuesday will be oh, so hard, especially for Devin.
We stop in England on the way home to visit a couple we knew in Kenya. We have prayed for their salvation since we met them. Please pray that we will have opportunity to proclaim Christ once again to our friends, Surinder and Bilu.
Friday, if you hear a shout! It will be us as we land and embrace our children whom we have not seen in three years. We are looking forward to more sweet reunions throughout the month as we see our parents and our siblings. How wonderful that will be!Thank you for praying for us, we need the strength that God gives when you pray.
Reaching the Unreached,Steve, Pam and Devin
Friday, October 27, 2006
This time next week, I can be found in a little white minivan, somewhere between Birmingham, AL - where I will have just spent a wonderful time with three very dear friends - and Atlanta, GA - where I will be on my way to the airport to pick up my mom, dad, and brother (provided they let him out of Africa....ha ha!)
But seriously, please pray for my family in the next few months....
#1. Packing and final preparation to leave will go smooothly.
#2. Emotions as Devin leaves his homeland Tuesday, October 31st.
#3. Safety as they travel - Flight to England - time in London with friends-flight to USA.
#4. Sanity as a family comes back together to be one for a little while.
#5. The church family left behind, that they will continue to grow
#6. Devin settling in to college and a job and a good church home.
Thanks for all your prayers and support....I cannot express how much I can feel it coming from every corner of the globe.
You are treasured.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
10 Days.....
Oh yea....definitely on a countdown!
Quick update for those who keep asking for one!! :-)
I went to the doctor last Monday and he did the blood work thing and upped my meds for my thyroid. And not too soon....the rest of the week was not a fun week with all the symptoms. But what to do? As they say in Africa...can't bring life to a stop. Praising God that His strength is I had none! I should start seeing improvement in 4 to 6 weeks...lovely!
Health is pretty much the same.
We are so excited to be together....did I mention....10 days...5 hours....35 minutes....30 seconds....29....28....27....26.
Made a quick trip to Houston this past weekend....nothing went as planned....but I got to spend time with those I I was happy. For those I missed out on....I love you anyway....I do miss you and will make you part of my next trip, I promise.
I came home yesterday to a traditional Kenyan meal, and just polished of Ugali and Sukuma leftovers for lunch....oh the bliss of living with an African!!
Work continues to be exciting for me. I am learning so much, and am so thankful for the resources. I was able to put together a re-entry manual for my brother's homecoming, and for my family. Received well and with great thanks by some, others....well...I am sort of used to their behavior/attitude towards my my life can move on without per usual.
I thank the Lord daily for the non-blood family He has put in my life. I could not make it without your constant love, support, prayers, encouragement, admonition and exhortation. What would I do without you?!?
This blog has taken way to long to write as I am composing in between . I promise to update with something fun and interesting to read soon.
Ok now only 10 days....4 hours....50 minutes....15 seconds....14.....13....12....11....
Friday, October 13, 2006
Babies, babies, babies
As many of you know, I do not plan on having any of my own. (Please do not start the lectures...I have heard them all...thank you.) However, when my friends bring children to the world I weep tears of joy, and welcome them with "arms wide open" (yes cheesy lyrics, yet wonderful).
This week.....
Grayson Gabriel Mitchell....joined us into the world on October 7th....right on time. Adopted by my darling Mary Kay director Brittany Mitchell and her husband Jon. This baby is beautiful! Not to say that all babies are, but he is! The birth mother is doing ok as well, praise the Lord! I am so grateful for the gift of adoption.
Oh, sweet boy, I have prayed for you, and for both your mommies and your dad. May you grow up to walk in the light of His grace.
And this early morning, in France, Aliyah Karon Auterson, joined us! Sister to Kirianna, who I also have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, and 2nd daughter to my dear missionary friends Lance and Amy. I believe she is a wee bit early, but she is here and healthy and beautiful just the same. In God's timing, not ours.
Oh little girl I have prayed for you to "wait on the Lord". So glad you waited just a few extra weeks before making your grand appearance.
WELCOME to the World sweet will be scary at times, but know that you are loved more than you can possibly imagine. First there is the love of your Heavenly Father, who formed you long before we ever knew about you, He was there with you in womb, and will continue being right beside you all the rest of your days. When you aren't sure....just call His name....
Secondly, you both have families that are just going to spoil you in the best ways possible. You are going to be loved and adored and crooned over till you just burst.
And lastly, whenever you need just a little extra, or someone to plead to your case, an extra hug here, some ice cream there, or you just don't think you are spoiled enough......come see me....Auntie A will always be there.
And gum....I will always have gum.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I forgot to add that is the checklist for all of the hypothyroid symptoms. I was diagnosed with it 6 years ago, and my levels have been under control for a while. But now all the symptoms are going on full force!
Thank so much for the notes of concern on the fact that I am an emotional basket case.
Just need new pills! I have a doctor's appointment next Monday to have blood work joy!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I'm unable to lose weight with diet/exercise - Check
I have hypothermia/low body temperature - Check
I feel fatigued, exhausted - Check, check
Feeling run down, sluggish, lethargic - Check, check, check
My skin is coarse, dry, scaly - Check
I have puffiness and swelling around the eyes and face - Check
I have pains, aches in joints, hands and feet - CHECK!!
I have female issues no one wants to know about - Check
I feel depressed - Check
I feel restless - Check
My moods change easily CHECK!- check...CH!$#CK!!!
I have feelings of worthlessness -Check!
I have difficulty concentrating - Check!
I have more feelings of sadness - Check!
I seem to be losing interest in normal daily activities - Check!
I'm more forgetful lately - Check!
Ok, see this beautiful list? "What is it?" you ask. This the list of every symptom that I have made excuses for in the past 2 months. "Of course, I am tired and discombobulated I just made a major move in 3 days." "My skin is so dry since moving to Dallas." "I am feeling sad because I just moved and am in "transition"." "I must workout more and harder, I cannot lose this weight and I will not buy bigger clothes!!"
Let's not even get into the "feelings of worthlessness" issue.
Yesterday after crying myself to sleep in the middle of the afternoon for the 3rd day in a row, I finally thought....'Wait! I'll bet my meds are off!' So, now to find a new doctor in this land of OZ that I seem to be living in and come back to the Amanda that we all know and - hopefully - love!
Body chemistry is a horrible thing!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Stateside Return!
November 3rd is the date, and I am ready! I can't wait to talk to my mom while looking at her face, curling up on the couch to talk to my daddy, and to get reaquainted with the young man, that left me as a child, who is my brother!
Things here are going well. Getting adjusted to working, and loving that. I am learning so much! I have even been able to put together a re-entry manual for my family, which is something that I envisioned doing about six months ago, but was not sure how to go about it. I have been able to put together something for stateside family, and for the Botswana family. Just things to prepare for and expect. Even after 20 years of transitioning back and forth emotions and changes can completely take one by surprise, and one can find themselves doing and saying and acting in ways never imaginable in other circumstances. So, having the preparation and reminder information beforehand is always so helpful.
I am so thankful that God put me in a place where I have the resources to do so!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Update on my Astros....done for the year *tears
congratulations to the Barfield family!! Go Padres!!
Update on my College to a raving start!! Woo Hoo! Go Rice!! Hook 'em!! (Yes I do realize those two sayings don't go together...however, for the next four years they will share equal space in my heart)
Update on my Derek...feeling a bit better. Blood pressure still needs to come down.
Update on my Devin...still not feeling well. Dr's still unsure, but currently blaming on the Epstein barr. In the process of transition....4 more weeks till Stateside arrival. Loving you my sweet boy...feeling your pain.
Update on my Ryno....out of commission for at least 4 months....tear on some part of required.
Update on my mom and dad....4 weeks until Stateside arrival. Pray for smooth transition.
Update on current residence....Done's house. Ralph and Becky gone for the week...Sadie needed a babysitter! :)
Update on my Abilene house....paper work in process...please pray for SPEED!!!
Update on job....loving what I am learning....both the work and the people. Quirks are so fun to figure out!
Update on my life in general....battleing homesickness for Africa, my BRIDGE group, my family and my friends....holding tight to the promise "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Enjoying Dallas....glad to be with friends here.
Update on my love for each of you......same as always and growing.
Please email me how I can pray for you this week.
Peace and Blessings
Friday, September 22, 2006
Waking up in Dallas
One of the things I knew I was going to miss the most within my transition from Houston to Dallas was waking up to "The Morning Show" on KSBJ.
Even in my time of unemployment I chose to have my alarm go off at 5:30 am, just so I would not miss it. I love Mike and Susan. They are funny, they are encouraging, and they just put me in a better mood. The best part of it all is Susan's sign off in the 9 am every morning she reminds me that my Father dances over me with singing and that "I am Loved." What a way to start a morning!
Wonderfully I am able to get the stream cast or whatever the technical term for "radio over the internet" I am able to enjoy KSBJ at work all day long. However, this did not solve my waking up dilemma.
Now, most of you who know me, see me when I am fully awake - and most of the time, you see me in a good mood. THIS IS NOT HOW I WAKE UP!! I have difficulty sleeping due to complications with my thyroid and am a night owl, so a 5:30 wake up call really should come in the late afternoon...amazingly, places of employment and others seem to frown on this mentality, so I am forced to recognize that 5:30 comes twice a day, and I must be subject to waking up at the 1st one.
Why 5:30, because I must allow myself time to just lay there and be still...awake...but still (and you all thought that I was always a bouncing ball of energy).
So again a KSBJ...hacking "beeps" are not quite the waking up call that allows my meditation time to be sweet. I decided on a CD.
Now here is a fun choice. It must be positive (or I will be angry, depressed or melancholy for the rest of the day), it must be upbeat, but not "workout tempo", so finding a CD that would be perfect for awakening the princess that is myself (ha!) was not the easiest of things to do.
After much thought and deliberation, I came across one of my favorite artists, Jeff Berry. Most of you do not know this fabulous man. I have the honor not only of knowing him, but at one time I was involved in his ministry and I have the joy of calling him friend.
His newest CD, All That's Left of Us, begins with a reved up, and amazing arranged version of "Great is Thy Faithfulness". This song is one of my favorite hymns ever, and what a way to wake up!!
See and you guys thought my energy was natural! Not so! In recent years, I have become a huge subscriber to the phrase "Garbage In, Garbage Out" Waking up being reminded of God's faithfulness every morning is essential for me. Not because I had let go and forgotten it in the night, but because that when you wake up to positive thoughts your life tends to be more centered and focused in the right directions.
"Great is Thy faithfulness" is followed up with other such songs with lyrics such as: "From the mountaintops we cry out, "You are good!" To the ends of the earth we proclaim and say, "You are good!" From the valley deep and in dispair, "YOU ARE GOOD, YOU ARE GOOD!" (oh the encouragement of these words!)
Plus - "I can't contain the Love You have spoken"
Not to mention... "You are covering - Grace releasing", "We give you thanks...for pouring grace upon the earth to bring us near."
OH! and, "Glorious, You are Marvelous" "We need Your love"
And can you really start your day without saying to Him "Let the darkness fade away, till all that's left of us is You." ?
Ok, ok I all think I am crazy. But seriously...I encourage each of you #1 to head over to and purchase this album. Not only are these songs wonderful, their truth self evident, and original...but most were written (or at least arranged) by people I love and respect. Grace Live is wonderful, as well....and I was there for the recording and the mixing and the prayerful, tediously long wait for the release of that album!
Not only that, but I challenge each one of you to find your own "wake up music". Or at least music that you play consistently when you are getting ready in the morning. Music is powerful!
Thanks Susan, for waking me up for the past 4 years, you are great!
Jeff and band - thank you for your years of friendship, ministry, great music and faithful prayer over my life - and for making my transition to the Dallas area and my new schedule that much more positive!
You are loved!
Monday, September 18, 2006
News from Botswana
News of the new job, and journey to Dallas soon!
Dear Loved Ones,
In our last update, we said that Devin and I would be going to Johannesburg for further tests to see if we could find out how to help the pain Devin has been experiencing. We thought we might be there four-five days, but we were there nine days! Steve was here for the church, working on the government papers and building a desk.
The doctors ran tests that ruled out things like Chron’s disease and leukemia but did not find anything definitive. They believe all his problems stem from the glandular fever or cytomegalo virus that he has had this past year. This morning, he had another painful attack and we stayed at home. The doctor here did send out some medication that actually helped! That’s a huge prayer because nothing has helped up til now.
We are thankful for all of your prayers.
Steve said that last week, Dut stood in church and committed to helping build the church. He is the young father who’s unborn child died last month. Please keep praying for him and Anne.
Today we were able to have the youth back at our home after a few weeks of being unable to have them because of traveling and Devin’s sickness. It was such a joy to see them and listen to the questions and answers they have during our lesson time. Today’s lesson was on how the prodigal son came to be a prodigal. His wrong attitude toward authority led him away from the Father’s safekeeping. Every day we pray God will keep them walking in His ways.
Botswana culture comes through often when we play games. Today we were teaching them TABOO, the game where you try to get people to say a word without saying certain other words. The key word was POSITIVE....the girl picked it up and without missing a beat said, “When your HIV test has this result you are very upset.” !!! That was the first thing she thought of when she read the word positive. HIV/AIDS is devastating this generation, and we are asking GOD to powerfully change the lives of our youth.
Our son Derek, is also some better although still struggling some with his blood pressure. We appreciate your prayers for him. We are also thankful for one of our dear friends who has reached out to him in the past week.
Amanda, has moved to Dallas this week to take a job working with a company doing cross-cultural training. We are so grateful that God has supplied a steady income for her and has given her a place to stay while she looks for an apartment.
This morning, when Devin was hurting so bad, we were very discouraged, but we looked into each other’s eyes and said, “OUR GOD IS BIGGER THAN THIS!” Thank God he is feeling better this evening.
There is an undercurrent of sadness is our home because in just a few more weeks we will return with Devin to the States.
Please pray for each of us during this time.Thank you so much for your prayers,
Reaching the Unreached,Steve, Pam and Devin Workman
Monday, September 11, 2006

My about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. - Gilda Radner
ditto. -Amanda Workman
This time my adventures are turning me towards the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex.
As most of you are aware, my passion lies within the cross cultural world. I was raised in a cross cultural environment, spent time in high school with an expert in this field, and subsequently pursued this area of study in my studies at Hardin-Simmons University.
Since graduation, I have found the field a difficult area to get into and yet have continued to pursue volunteer activity on the side.
I spent my JR/SR year with Ruth VanReken. She is a specialist in transitional studies and a well known author on the subject. We have kept in touch in the years since our Africa adventure. In fact, many of my long time readers will remember “Tigpan’s adventures in Thailand” where I met Ruth and her husband for an adventure filled week.
Now that you have that background information….
Ruth emailed me about a month ago and talked to me about a fellow MK (missionary kid not Mary Kay) in Dallas who was looking for someone to come along side her to do some cross cultural training, but it would probably be more piece meal work. Her name is Nancy.
I met with Nancy about three weeks ago in a whirlwind trip to Dallas. It was there that I found out that she was a MK in The Sudan and she went to boarding school in Ethiopia, and then later on to west Africa. I asked her how old she was; and after her revealing that to me, I asked if she knew the Konnerups. She said that Jackie Konnerup was her roommate in college. Jackie is the sister of my father's best friend Ole, who I consider my uncle. Yep once again my world is tiny.
It gets tinier. In May of last year some of you may remember, I sent an email to a company in Dallas called Cultural Awareness International. I found them on the web, and saw that they did relocation assistance and cross cultural training. I send them an email asking if they had ANYTHING available in their company. They called me and asked me to come up to Dallas for an interview. I drove up and back in the same day. They ended up offering me a position in the relocation department as there was not a lot going on in the cross cultural side of things. I decided at that time to turn down what was seemingly the job of my dreams. I just did not have a peace about taking this job.
When I turned it down, several people who I respected told me that I should have taken it; that I could not live a life where my feelings of peace controlled my actions. No offense to those parties, but they were wrong. That is how I have always made decisions and the Lord has protected me in so many areas. He did again here. In speaking with Nancy I found out that the company that she works for is the EXACT same company. The cross cultural training department has taken off, (which I knew with the right person in charge it would), and the relocation department has had some set backs and has even had some lay offs. Now what if I had taken that job!?!?
Long story…longer…..I went up again last weekend to interview with CAI again, and have been hired on as an admin in their cross cultural training department. It is the ground floor, but with plenty of room for movement! I am so very excited.
So, once again God has brought an opportunity that I really wanted, something I am incredibly passionate about!!, to me in His timing not mine.
In His timing, I have His timing, I have learned more about Him than I ever would have His timing, I am now more equipped to do this His timing, I have a business that easy supplements any short comings in salary (one of my reasons to turn down before)....In His timing, I have gone against all things that made sense to everyone else even me and waited on the Lord.....In His timing, I do have peace.
One more time...."That's God!" From my tiny tiny world...I bid you adieu....I will keep you updated as I know more (i.e. my new dwelling place, etc)
Love you all
Friday, September 08, 2006
Praise and Prayer
I will be working on support staff at Cultural Awareness International, as I step into the industry, and will hopefully move up into a consultant position in the next few months. I am very excited. Very nervous. Very, very overwhelmed! But also praising!!! I am also forever grateful for each prayer that was lifted up for me! The love and support I have received in the past few months has been amazing, I can not imagine where I would be without each one of you.
As for my brothers, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your many emails, text messages and calls to check on them.
Derek, (in Atlanta) has been put on blood pressure medication, and is still in need of a lot of prayer. He is under a lot of stress and pressure at his job, and is not the type to just take it easy because he is not feeling well. The doctor has cautioned him to slow down to a crawl, until his blood pressure goes down. Please continue to pray for him, that the Lord will protect and heal him. More so I ask that you pray that Derek will turn to the Lord for His help.
Devin, (in Botswana) and mom are in Johannesburg, South Africa with the Dr.s there. Praise the Lord his liver and kidney screens came back clear. However, he is still in an amazing amount of pain that they cannot seem to narrow down. He did have to have a colonoscopy, all they found was inflammation in his stomach and intestines, but the doctor said it wasn’t enough to cause the pain he is having. They will probably wait there until Monday to see another doctor, the one who diagnosed his Epstein Barr last year. Again, please continue to pray.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Words are not enough. You support me in ways you cannot imagine. I am so blessed because each of you are in my life!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Request for Prayer
He checked his blood pressure, which registered at 160/100.. NOT GOOD. Friday, he was still not feeling well, so he went to a doctor that evening. The doctor told him that if he did not go home and go to bed, he would have a stroke within 3 days and a pacemaker by the end of the week!
Yikes! Derek is only 25. I thank the Lord for a doctor that knew about this condition and one that treated him for FREE. I am constantly amazed at our AMAZING GOD. This is not the first time that his life has been spared by our great God.
My youngest brother,Devin, who has been struggling with Epstein Barr and a mirror virus called cytomegalo virus for the past few months. His immune system is really down due to these two viruses and this past week has been down sick again last week. He continues to have pretty severe pain in his left side, even keeping him from church yesterday. The doctor in Botswana has refered him to Johannesburg for a full checkup once again. Pray with my family that they will find the cause of this pain. He has had it for a long time. Sometimes it is better than others, but it is definitely always there. We have an appointment for Wednesday morning in Johannesburg. Pray for my mom and he as they travel, and my dad as he stays behind to try to get some paperwork wrapped up with the mission before they return stateside.
Lastly, after 9 months I FINALLY have an interview that is a very good opportunity. It is this upcoming Friday, and I so I want it to happen.
Thanks for praying! I know I can count on my faithful readers!
Fun fun fun weekend!

My weekend was great, my beautiful friend, Marianne and I headed up to Dallas to visit our mutual and equally as beautiful friend Sadie. (fun bit of background here - I met Marianne while working at Sam's, and she knew Sadie from College - I spent the summer living with Sadie when I lived in Hong Kong)
We girls laid out in the morning/early afternoon on Saturday. Then Sadie went to get her hair done and Marianne colored mine. It is my natural color, it just evens it all out.
Then away we went to "praisefest." I wanted to go because my friend Stan Whitmire, who is a professional pianist, was in town with a group called Greater Vision. Southern Gospel. It is what I was raised on, and though I LOVE contemporary Christian music, southern gospel moves me in a way nothing else does.
Dennis Swanburg a Christian comedian was also performing that night.
So...we get there...WE ARE THE YOUNGEST PEOPLE THERE BY 70 YEARS!! (with the exception of the artists, of course) Ha! HA! HA! We LOVED it! There were a couple of "acts" that were, well....a blessing to someone I am sure! But it was fun, we just laughed and laughed and laughed.
"Leave it to Amanda to drag us all to a geriatric convention!"
Chad Kennedy, my pastor's son from Abilene, drove up for the weekend as well. He met us there and couldn't stop laughing! It was so funny!
We had a great time, two MK's (missionary kids) and two PK's (pastor's kids) with a lot of history together, and we just laughed and laughed and laughed!
There is power in laughing you know....
Got home and am continuing to pack in preparation for where ever God is going to lead me! :)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Still Waiting....
Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.
Wait, I say, wait on the Lord.....wait upon the Lord.
Wait, I say, wait on the Lord....wait upon the Lord.
Still, in a holding pattern. Know that the potential short term living would not work out....and position in Cross cultural training still on hold....
So, we'll just see what God has in store.
That is my news for now...
Tired and discouraged, but mostly tired.
Still processing the rest.
Still trusting.
Still Praying
Still Seeking Earnestly.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The life of an TCK
We are a renowned group of people from as far back in time as Abraham's children, and ranging in genre from Military Brats to Missionary Kids and every thing in between.
When I was truly a "kid" in age. I lived in Kenya, East Africa. There are many parts of my heart and soul and being that are Africa, though my Passport was issued in this country and I was born in the all American town of Mobile, Alabama.
While in Africa I was exposed to other TCK's of different nationalities and backgrounds, and though we were truly different in many ways we all had the common bond of being TCK's. This was a pretty special connection to me, even though it was not until years later that I realized the significance of it all.
I am going to use some exerpts from my sweet friend and expert on the subject of TCK's as well as being an ATCK herself, Ruth VanReken to explain some of this.
Common personal characteristics of TCKs (children who grow up in this world):
Large world view
Language acquisition
Can be cultural bridges
Rootlessness—“Home” is everywhere and nowhere
Sense of belonging is often in relationship to others of similar background rather than shared race or ethnicity alone
In 1984, Dr. Ted Ward, of Michigan State University, stated that TCKs 3 were the “prototype citizens” of the future. 4 In other words, the experience of growing up in and amid many cultures coupled with a mobile lifestyle would one day be the norm rather than the exception as it was in the early days of Dr. Useem’s initial studies.
Because of that, it is important to look at the TCK experience as a “petri dish”—a place where certain factors related to such a lifestyle have already been isolated and studied. As we do that, we can begin to apply lessons learned to a larger group of children and adults that is currently emerging…those individuals who are growing up or have grown up as what we are now calling cross cultural kids.
Because I have the extreme honor of being one of these children, and having spent invaluable time with Ruth VanReken and the late David Pollock. My passion for others like me has grown. Our world is just now realizing the significance of TCK's and even more so CCK's (Cross cultural kids- a person who has lived in—or meaningfully interacted with—two or more cultural environments for a significant period of time during developmental years).
As most of you know, I have a degree in International business and my passion and desire is to work in cross cultural training. Helping TCK's and their parents to fully understand the world to which they belong. Mostly to help them know they DO belong.
"The stress for most CCKs is not from the multiplicity of cultures they experience in their childhood but comes when they try to repatriate or fit into some other cultural box others expect them to belong to but which is being defined in racial, nationalistic, or other more traditional ways of defining “culture”.
Perhaps one of the greatest gifts to give a CCK is to acknowledge the reality that this world of multiple cultures they have experienced as children is a valid place of belonging, even if not rooted in one geographical place or ethnicity. Need to stop “pathologizing” the issues but begin to perhaps define new norms." - David Pollock
An opportunity has come up for me in this area. I will let you know more about it as I do. Once again, His timing reigns in my life! More to come.....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Amazing Elephant Story
A young man was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from college. While he was walking through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed so the man approached it very carefully.
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot. There was a large thorn deeply embedded in the bottom of the foot. As carefully and as gently as he could, he worked the thorn out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.
The elephant turned to face the man and with a rather stern look on its face, stared at him. For a good ten minutes the man stood frozen -- thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned and walked away. The man never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.
Twenty years later the man was walking through the zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to where they were standing at the rail. The large bull elephant stared at him and lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times, all the while staring at the man. The man couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant. After a while it trumpeted loudly; then it continued to stare at him.
The man summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. Suddenly the elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of the man's legs and swung him wildly back and forth along the railing, severely injuring him.
Probably wasn't the same elephant. ha ha ha ha ha
Our Plans
**Also please note that some scriptural dialog is the New Amanda Version (NAV) **
What gives us the audacity to think that we need to "help God out"? I really don't think that God is on His throne saying "So, I created the universe and all that is in it, but I am really not sure what I am going to do if you don't help Me with your life."
And why is it that we as humans think we have to come up with a "plan" for our lives?? Especially those of us who are believers in Christ. Please show me one person in the Bible whose own plan worked out? Let me just save you the time and trouble as I have already done it.....NONE OF THEM!!
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
Adam and Eve - eat the fruit and find out all the things God knew, that they didn't - great man has to work and woman has monthly pain...thanks guys...great plan!
Cain...hmm..."Soooo, not fair! My brother getting more attention than I am....I'll kill him"....and we have our 1st murder! NICE! you think it was in his 5 year plan to build a boat as large as two football football had not yet been invented...I don't think so....God told him to do it, and that is why it worked!
Tower of Babel....yeah, here is a good idea...."Hey guys, we had this flood that covered our entire existence as we know it...including the let's build a tower taller than a mountain so we can live in it and outsmart God"....the result.....foreign language requirements in college...again...thanks guys! here is a fabulous guy....God said "pack up" he did....God said "go, I'll tell you where to stop" he did....God said "don't take anyone with you"....ooops.....there was Lot...what a pest he was....but fine, God worked through that one....God said "I will make you the father of many nations." Abraham said..."Uh Lord, my wife is old, so let me "help you out". 2000 plus years later...the families are still fighting...have you watched Fox News lately?
Moses...God said...."SPEAK to the rock"....Moses said..."I am so freaking tired of these whiners" and HIT the rock...result....gets to see promise land, and then die before actually going there.
Children of here is a fine example of morons trying to do it there way....40 years people....take a hint....just trust!!
Need more proof?
Ok is man after God's own heart....his plan....stay home and get frisky with Bathsheba....oh dear, will these guys never learn?
I will not even get started in the Major and Minor Prophets.
The New Testament continues in similar fashion.
Let me stop here and say this....I am not judging any of these people...hindsight is totally 20/20. If I had been there...I probably would have done the same thing or worse. I certainly have my own list of making my own plans examples I could list on this page.
So what is my point here?
In Jeremiah 29:11 the Word says -
“For I (meaning God) know the plans I (God again) have for you, says the Lord.
They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek ME. I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land.”
Take a quick look at those words you see anywhere that God says..."with your help" or "if you do this and this and this" or "go ahead and make your own plans then if I think they are good enough I'll help you" The answer is a resounding “NO!”
The Lord says..."I have a plan for YOU." I created you with a purpose in mind and a dream to fullfil. The only instructions given to us in those verses are Pray, Seek me in earnest. I looked up that word "earnest" it means with purposeful and sincere intent. That is HIM with a purposeful and sincere heart and He will end the captivity, restore the fortunes and let me go home!!
So to my point. Right here and now I am going to tell you my plan.
It is to pray, that God will be right there leading me as He knows the master plan anyway.
It is to seek Him in earnest, knowing that He alone knows the end of the story and that is what He has asked me to do.
I promise that when I know what I am going to do…you will know...I LOVE each one of you and am so incredibly thankful for all the love that you are sending my way.
This I know to be true...that no matter what God works through even the dumbest of human there is hope for me!
I mean after all, God did get all those animals on the ship...using Noah.
God brought forth an incredible nation....using Abraham.
God got his children to the land of promise....using Moses.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Jeff Lynn - my Episcopas.
1422 William Caxton 1st English printer (Histories of Troy)
1655 Johann Christoph Denner inventor (clarinet)
1802 Nikolaus Lenau Hungary, German poet (Faust, Die Albigenser)
1814 Anders Jonas Sweden, physicist, founded spectroscopy
1818 Lucy Stone pioneered women's rights
1819 Sir George Gabriel Stokes physicist/mathematician (Spectroscope)
1820 Sir George Grove London, England, biblical scholar/musicologist
1860 Annie Oakley Drake Ohio, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West)
1888 John Logie Baird Scotland, inventor (father of TV)
1895 Robert Burton actor (Dr Gordon-Kings Row)
1898 Jean Borota France, tennis champ (35 Wimbledons between 1922-64)
1899 Alfred Hitchcock London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window)
19-- Alex Donnelley Frankfurt Germany, actress (Young & Restless)
19-- Alma Cuervo Tampa Fla, actress (Sylvia-AKA Pablo)
19-- Hank Cheyne actor (Another World, Young & Restless)
19-- Jane Carr actress (Louise-Dear John)
19-- Sid Falck rocker (Overkill-Hello From the Gutter)
1902 Felix Wankel Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine)
1902 Regis Toomey Pitts Pa, actor (Burke's Law, Petticoat Junction)
1904 Charles "Buddy" Rogers actor (Wings)
1907 Alfred Alwin Felix Krupp Essen Germany, arms manufacturer
1908 Gene Raymond NYC, actor (Paris 7000, Fireside Theater)
1909 John Beal actor (Amityville 3D)
1912 Ben Hogan Dublin Tx, PGA golfer (US Open 1950, 51, 53)
1912 Rita Johnson Worcester Mass, actress (All Mine to Give)
1918 Frederick Sanger England, chemist (Nobel 1958, 1980)
1919 Rex Humbard televanglist
1920 George Shearing London, blind pianist/composer (Lullabye of Byrdland)
1921 Neville Brand actor (Cahill, US Marshal)
1927 Fidel Castro Ruz Cuban political leader
1929 Pat Harrington Jr NYC, actor (Danny Thomas Show, 1 Day at a Time)
1930 Don Ho Hawaii, ukulele player (Tiny Bubbles)
1931 Norman Read NZ, 50K walker (Olympic-gold-1956)
1934 Gary Davidson founder of ABA, WHA, WFL
1939 Saul Steinberg artist (The Art of Living)
1942 Robert L Stewart Wash DC, Brig Gen US Army/astronaut (STS 41B, 51J)
1943 Gary Ilman US, 100m freestyle (Olympic-4th-1964)
1947 Gretchen Corbett Camp Sherman Ore, actress (Beth-Rockford Files)
1948 Kathleen Battle Portsmouth Ohio, soprano (Shephard-Tannh„user)
1949 Bobby Clarke Manitoba, NHL player/coach (Phila Flyers)
1949 Sheralee Ft Lauderdale Fla, vocalist (Your Hit Parade)
195- Kavi Raz India, actor (VJ Kochar-St Elsewhere)
1951 Dan Fogelberg Peoria Ill, rocker (Sang Auld Lang Syne)
1955 Betsy King LPGA golfer (1990 Dinah Shore, 1990 US Women's Open)
1958 Feargal Sharkey rocker (Undertones-Never Never, Good Heart)
1959 Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx)
1959 Mark Nevin rocker (Fairground Attraction-Find My Love)
1961 Dawnn Lewis actress (Jaleesa-Different World)
1963 Pamela Jean Stein Syracuse NY, playmate (Nov, 1987)
1963 Tigg Ketler Chula Vista Ca, drummer (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)
1964 Ian Haughland heavy metal rocker (Europe-The Final Countdown)
1967 Quinn Cummings LA Calif, actress (Annie-Family, Goodbye Girl)
19?? - Jeff Lynn, San Angelo, TX - man of God's vision, husband, father, musician, writer, Pastor, Bishop. Episcopas. Overseer, along with Presbuteros. Elder. And Poimen, Shepherd. More than that even - Friend!! (The Church at Alden Bridge)

Happy Birthday!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Power of Pink
1st of all I went to this meeting expecting to come away with new ideas on booking classes....and I did. And new ideas on recruiting and team building...and I got a few of those as well. However, I did not expect to come away from a corporate meeting having been abundantly blessed by God, and having heard from HIM and about Him from the stage. This was a corporate meeting not a revival, right?
I heard lots of great advice and testimony after testimony of women giving God the glory for blessing the work of their hands. However, I learned the most from Candy Lewis. She was the queen of sales for our entire seminar and she was powerful!
Listen to what God spoke through her to me:
"God's delay is not God's denial!" - Ok, after hearing that I could have gone home. God touched me in that one sentence in ways I could never have imagined.
Next she said,
"Turn your problems into God's promises." - Hello!
" After you finish crying, what are you going to do?" - Wake up call!!!
"When trials come your way, they are there to see how badly you want it." - (gulp)
"God will sign you up for the same course, until you learn the lesson." Ok, Ok, I am learning! I am learning!
Lastly, and I swear even though she was being telecast from the other room, she looked me straight in the eye - don't you hate it when speakers do that! - and she said
"If you don't know your 'Why', your 'Want' doesn't matter"
Ok now, here she got me. I know my want. I have my goals set, on my goal poster, I affirm them and pray over them every day. But I never really set forth my why's clearly and directly. In fact, I believe my why's changed daily. So, I went to a quiet place - hard found by the way with 10,000 plus women - and I began to write my why's and prioritize them. And now I am listing them for you. Why? You may ironically ask?
Well because my goal is big. I am looking to wear that director's ring by October 1st. I want to be a director, and I want to have a team of women that are in the business of enriching the lives of others. I want you to know the Why's because there are going to be days that I lose sight of these why's. There will be days I am tired and discouraged and don't think I can make it any more. And when I call you and I am crying and exausted, I want you to ask me
"Amanda, when you are finished crying what are you going to do?" And then I want you to remind me of my why's. Put their faces in front of me and remind me that I have a purpose and a plan directed by God and they are the reason.
With that my friend's I give you my why's.
#1. to be out of debt
#2. to get my parents out of debt that they are in because they have supported my dream.
#3. to help pay for Devin’s education so he does not come out of school with the debt I currently have
#4. to help fund whatever opportunity God opens up for the orphans in Botswana
#5. to be able to get on a plane and go to be with my mom and dad whenever I feel like it because I can afford it.
#6. to be able to meet a special need for a missionary when it arises
#7. to further the work of the gospel
#8. to enrich the lives of women with the love of God by one on one contact in my business
#9. to invest in the lives of people around the world with Kingdom good news
#10. to be able to say “To God be the Glory” every step of the way.
To all these reasons I step out of my house in faith, believing His plan is for me.
The struggle of the past nine months has simply been to set my focus and to strengthen my relationship with my BEST FRIEND. Pray with me, as I know that the War is WON, but there are battle’s yet to come.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Amanda News
Well, 1st of all I am not going to Korea. There are some reasons that I have that seem to be controversial to everyone else, but they are not the one whose life it ultimately affects so the decision is made.
One of the reasons is due to my youngest brother's homecoming. Or at least return back to the U.S., this is not really his home. I just sat down and reflected on my 1st year back in the US. It was HORRIBLE. It left deep scars that 11 years later I am still healing from. Derek’s 1st year here was pretty much the same, and I just do not want Devin to go through the same hurt and pain. One’s 1st year back is always hard no matter what, but I want to give him something I never had….someone who cared enough to drop everything and be there when I needed them. I made this decision before going to Mary Kay seminar last week, so I wouldn’t be swept up in the emotion of it all and make my decision then.
The company in Korea I was going to work for (I told them that due to family circumstances I did not feel it wise to pursue the opportunity at this time), completely understood, and asked that in the future should I want to come…even for 6 months that I consider the opportunity open to me. That was nice.
2nd of all, I am getting out of Houston. I do not know what this means, but I know it means I am leaving here. I have had several offers by MK directors in Virginia to come and live with them for a month or so while I find something there. However, I have also have thought about Atlanta. Right now I am just praying about it. My roommate did tell me yesterday that I need to plan on moving by September 1st or helping him with the rent. He has been an amazing blessing and never asked this of me before, and he is really struggling right now, so I said...of course.
As for my MK..I currently have 8 team members 7 active and moving up. On target for my 1st car which I plan on earning by the end of the month.
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago that was a public apology and offer of forgiveness to a specific group of people. Not really realizing it at the time, but I was opening up the communication lines between myself and the Lord again. I could not figure out why all the praying I was doing didn’t seem to go past the ceiling. I prayed for a revelation of sin that might be holding it back, and though that was not a lightning strike revelation, publicly forgiving was something I knew I had to do. After that, miracles have begun to happen in my life again.
I had money for bills I did not know how I was going to pay. I was within 30 minutes and $2300 of not having enough production to stay on target for my MK car and having to start over. My newest team member placed a $2400 order at 11:30 pm on the last day. I am still on target for my car. Yesterday I was frustrated and praying regarding my frustration and lack of funds, and before I could finish the prayer, my phone rang and I have a temp job for the next 2 ½ weeks right here in The Woodlands…with perfect hours that will not cut into my Mary Kay business at all.
I also was trying on a bridesmaid dress for my friend’s wedding in September (which I can now attend), and was able to book a facial and set up an interview with a potential team member.
This is awesome to me. Even in the lowest part of the valley, for the 1st time in my life I kept my eyes focused on the upward not the outward. I am learning to trust when there is no physical thing to which to cling. More awesome than that I crave to spend time with Jesus. I have heard people say that for years and never got it. I thought they were just nuts, faking it in someway. But no, I just wasn’t where I was supposed to be. In the past 7 days, things have happened in my life. I was prophesied over by some woman who had never met me before, I had a prophetic dream (I have not done this in 3 ½ years and after talking to the person the dream was about, know it to be truthful), I have seen God work in my life and in the lives of my friends in EXCITING ways! I have experienced the 1st steps of healing in a friendship I thought for sure was gone forever.
Am I on the mountain top?…no…not yet, but I am climbing. There are struggles yet to come I know, but I finally feel as though I am making my way out of the valley I was in.
That is my news, to God be the Glory.
The End.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
HIS Hands and Feet
One never knows what a day may bring. Yesterday was a particularly busy day filled with many visits by sick people. It’s not everyday we have a real doctor in our midst and so I had invited all my friends here with health issues to meet with Dr. Ocean Williams. As the morning headed into the afternoon, we had one last visitor. This elderly man’s name was Paulo from the village of Malanga. Paulo had heard that I send people to Lugoda (the Unilever hospital) for “treatment” and insisted that his daughter needed to go there as well. Paulo had been drinking the local brew, so I was a little bit skeptical about his story. I tried to explain to this animated father that Lugoda only offers help to outsiders with HIV/AIDS. He insisted that his daughter certainly didn’t have any virus. Reviewing his daughter’s health records, we could see that she hadn’t been tested for HIV and we could also see that this man had paid a lot for his daughter’s care with no success. Paulo and I went back and forth on the issue of HIV testing. In the end he concluded that he would simply accompany us to his daughter’s home in Malanga. He was insistent. So we went.
What we found was what was left of a beautiful mother of two sitting by a low fire. There was little left on her tiny body. Her name is Conastasia. I just wanted to cry as she whispered that she couldn’t lie down or breathe and that she was in terrible pain. Ocean said that she certainly needed HIV testing and that she probably had pneumonia and TB as well. I somehow managed to have exactly the right amount of money to transport her to Lugoda and to get her tested and help. I have no idea if the effects of HIV/AIDS can be reversed, but at least we can try. The father kept thanking me, but I tried to get him to recognize that truly this help came from God and not us. That was when Paulo looked me straight in the eye and said, “I don’t see any God, but I do see you!” I thought that perhaps at that moment I had had the awesome privilege to be His hands and His feet for these people. They let us pray for Conastasia and their forthcoming journey. I am so thankful that Paulo was so insistent as we would have missed a wonderful opportunity to be His hands and feet that day.
We are currently helping over 30 families get the treatment they need for HIV/AIDS and I only see the number growing. I am thankful some of my more experienced families are helping the new ones get to the hospital and through the right doors. It’s scary for these folks to navigate transport to new places much less the hospital. Their hope of living is outweighed by their fears. Please do pray that we would have wisdom as we try to address HIV/AIDS in the villages where we live. It is a reality that we cannot close our eyes to.
In His service,
Friday, July 21, 2006
My dad
Thoughts of my dad are hard to put into words at all, because my dad is overwhelming to me. Let me explain. From the beginning of my dad was there. (don't roll your eyes at my cheesy obvious statement, let me explain)
My dad announced my coming at his college graduation.
My dad wasn't upset when they told him I was a girl, even though I was supposed to be a boy.
My dad was who I ran to when I got in trouble - not that I got in less trouble, it just didn't seem so bad when he was right there.
My dad took me fishing for the 1st time with my own little pole and rod.
My dad killed a snake coming out of the water with a big rock at the same fishing hole. (we never went fishing again without a pistol).
My dad was there my 1st day of kindergarten.
My dad was there when I learned how to ride a two-wheel bicycle...and when I fell down, he picked me up again.
My dad was there when I knelt by the couch in our living room and gave my heart to Jesus.
My dad was there when I was baptised.
My dad was there praying over me when he gave his life to missions....this was the 1st time I remember my dad crying.
My dad was there when I said good-bye to grandparents and friends and got on a HUGE plane and headed for Africa - a place he said he would never go - then God took him there and now he says he will never leave.
My dad was there when I saw Africa for the 1st time, we saw giraffes running on the ground as we were circling to land.
I heard my dad cry our 1st night in Africa wondering what in the world we were doing there....but the next morning he assured me it was going to be the best home we had ever had...and it was.
My dad is in every single memory that I have of Africa.....
.....the brave warrior who gave commentary on baby lions.
.....the unassuming pastor who led hundreds of African's to the saving love of Jesus.
.....the adventurous eater who had a chicken head placed in front of him...and who taught me how to graciously say "no" without insulting a culture.
.....the carpenter man, who could create anything he put his mind to.
.....the farmer boy, who taught me how to love all living things. (except snakes!)
.....the patient man, who learned to drink coffee and milky tea and build one relationship after another while quietly influencing Christ into the lives of others.
.....the loving man, who hurt with me when I hurt, and laughed with me when I laughed, who danced the "roger rabbit" with me when everyone else in the room thought I just looked silly.
.....the man in the moon who taught me how to look at the African sky and see life.
.....the man on the street who taught me how to look at a person and see a soul.
.....the man of compassion who gave bread and cookies to begger children.
.....the man who could have been the Mayor of Eldoret, Kenya.
....the modest man who was just as comfortable in a mud hut in a village as he was in the home of the President's brother.
.....the sacrificing man who put his children's happiness before his own.
.....the sports man who won the "piga mingi" award with grace and style.
.....the protecting man, whose only act of road rage was in protection of his children.
.....the funny man, who hates to be laughed at.
.....the encouraging man who taught me how to pursue my dreams no matter what others said.
.....the humble man who when he had done wrong was big enough to confess it and ask for forgiveness.
My dad was there when I got on the plane to return to the US, leaving my home, my passion, my heartbeat. He held my hand and promised it would be ok.
My dad was there when after 1 1/2 years of excrutiating pain that was bible college, I came home from BBC feeling a failure...he told me I wasn't....I believed him.
My dad was there when I made Abilene home.
He put me in my 1st apartment and then did one of the hardest things he ever had to do (or so he says) he drove away and left me there to be a young adult.
My dad sent me money, even when I didn't want to have to need it.
My dad was on the phone when I had good news and when I had bad.
My dad prayed at my graduation ceremony.
My dad told me he was proud of me. There is no greater feeling.
My dad prays for me daily, his quiet influence leads my life in ways that he will never know. He is a gift I can never hope to repay.
My gift of writing you all seem to love....yep that's from my dad.
You see, I look like him, I act like him.....he is intricately woven into my life so much that when it comes to saying "Hey this is my dad and he is great....words just seem inadequate."
But he is MY DAD! He is Great! I am so honored and blessed that when God looked down to find a family to put me in, Steve Workman was the man he chose to be my father.
I love you, dad!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Loving my faithful readers today, praying that your dash will be full and overflowing with the richness of HIS love. It is like no other. I know that some would think that I am just subscribing to a religion.....this is not true....what is true is simply that He who lives within me is my best friend. There is no way I have made it through this past year without HIM.
Hard to believe that a little over a year ago, my dear friend Sara Wallace, called me to announce her own entry into this amazing company and I, being the amazing supporter that I am....laughed at her!
A few weeks later after time and research I also signed my contract, and what a journey I started on!!
A company that was founded on the Golden Rule, that puts God 1st, family 2nd and career 3rd. Exactly how life should be. What other company can you think of that does this?? Mary Kay's vision 43 years ago was a pioneering one in a world where men dominated the sales force and where women would never make it past an administrative position.
Her dream was to have a company where God would reign and women would NEVER have to choose between raising their children and making ends meet.
43 years later....Mary Kay, Inc. has more women making 6 figures than any other company in the world, their car fleet is larger than the US government, and with 1.6 million consultants worldwide they are enriching the lives of women one face at a time. Helping women to believe in themselves. Sounds cheesy I know, but I can personally testify that my life has been changed. I am able to encorporate this business with my ministry. I am able to be a part of and touch lives that I would NEVER have encountered had I not signed that initial contract.
The money, prizes and recognition, they are really just fluff, compared to the friends I have made, the lives I have encountered and the people who touch my life daily and make a difference in who I am today.
My customers and sister consultants, not forgetting to mention my amazing Godly directors....who read this....thanks! You make the journey worth it!
A word of wisdom from the amazing softspoken pioneer....(check out her acheivements!!)
"Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping, and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me." -Mary Kay ASH
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Midnight in Tig's world
So, for boredom's sake (fair warning for all of you currently reading this post.) I am going to detail out my evening....which as it turns out was pretty exciting to me.
Let's use 6 PM for the evening starter.
AT 6PM I was on my way to drop of my Emily. She is the daughter of a friend of mine who has grown into a sister through the years. In fact, our resemblence, mannerisms and general thoughts on life, often put us into the sister category by default.
Miss Emily is on the Varsity Cheer Squad at Oak Ridge High School, and has recently been asked to cheer on the competitive squad at Woodland's Elite. She is a beautiful girl and growing into an amazing young woman. Not anything like the 3rd grader I met 8 years ago!
6:30 PM After dropping her off at practice, I made my way to a facial appointment. I got to get to know a new customer and spend time letting her story enrich my life. Plus I made a sale, but really that is just the fluff.
7:45 PM Onto a conference call with a potential new team member and my hot mama director Brittany Mitchell. The call went well, and I have a new team member! This brings my count to 7!! Praise the Lord! One more and I am officially in DIQ! God is good!
8:30 PM off the conference call, but onto a call with my director, talking about upcoming seminar, plus some goals and plans that I have for myself! My director is such an amazing woman. She is not only one of the most beautiful directors in Mary Kay history...but she is one Godly woman. She encourages me daily in my walk and I cannot imagine my life without her.
**side note** I know that I say the words "I cannot imagine my life without so-so" all the time. Please know that I do not take this phrase lightly. I truely cannot imagine the logistics of my life without the many influences that God has put in it. Go back to my post from earlier this year. Something in that is just for are in my life!
8:55 PM I got to talk to one of my favorite people on the planet. Building on a friendship of 15 years, every conversation brings joy to my heart. Silly?!? Probably, but true nonetheless.
9:15 PM On the couch watching Project Runway. Yes, my current favorite reality series. I watched all of last season and I was having Daniel withdrawls. He was not he winner, but Michael Kors offered him a job on national television....amazing talent!! may hyperlinks can you put in a sentence? Give me a break it is 12:30 and I am in ramble mode ok!
9:30 PM Phone rings and I get to spend talking with one of THE Kennedy's. "THE Kennedy's? You mean the real Kennedy's" Of course they are real...I do not talk to imaginary friends anymore, unless I am bored and lonely! This young man who has introduced me to people as "The sister I never knew I wanted." Called just to chat and to give me a prayer request. He knows that I love his family as my own and that I would of course pray over them. Talking to him I could not believe that he was really my Ryno. I am so proud of who I get the pleasure of watching him become. I am so proud of you Ryno. So glad you stopped "hating" me.
10:00 PM
Friend's kitchen....pulled out vacuum then decided that was a task for tomorrow.
10:30 PM
Off to bed...but TV still on as well as reading a book.
11:00 PM TV sleep timer turned on....Will and Grace ( I know I know!!) episode running in the back ground.
Toss turn....TV off....toss turn more......KSBJ on....toss turn.
Forget it! up out of bed....and this blog was born!
I leave you with a scene from my sweet friend's backyard. And the words of wisdom of my friend Arnie (aka cricket) always tells me....ALL great things start with" A".
Yes....... as in "Amanda".

Friday, July 07, 2006

I love this picture. A dear person in my life once named it "Serenity", and loved it with an enthusiasm I had never had about any of my work. It was one of the biggest complements of my life, so I gave it to him.
This picture is an amazing representation of just that. Just looking at this used to make my whole day brighter. Now it makes me long for this peace.
The past year of my life has been horrible. I realize that in comparison to other horrors happening in the world, some would think I was being petty and looked at my blessed life as cake. But to me, I have faced tragedies that I have never faced before, and hope that I never have to face again.
There were some of these situations that were brought on by myself. I allowed myself to be too proud to truely ask why, and I am ashamed of that.
I have said and done hurtful things that I should have never said or done. I have spread rumors and for that I ask for forgiveness. One day I will have to answer to God for it all. One day I will have the chance to sit down and apologize face to face to those I have hurt. But for now I am doing it here. I am sorry that I did not take the opportunity to listen before. Wrong was done, and is done. Life is full of crap and unfortunately I have added to it in several lives. For some of you I caused a wound and I am sorry, for others of you I allowed you to pick at your wound too long and even helped you pick at it I am equally as sorry for that.
For all of us. What is done is done. Let's move on. Realize that what was done and said on all sides was done from deep wounds of hurt. The President of our United States said something this morning that really hit home with me. He said that "Our problems and issues did not pop up over night, they were small on going things that have now festered into a larger problem.....they will not be solved overnight either. But I am committed to working to find a solution for peace."
I am going to go ahead and steal those words. I don't know if there will ever be the peace that I want. The peace of families that love each other. Apologies need to happen, prideful walls need to be torn down, amazing grace will have to reign in ways that are incomprehensible to me right now. But here is what I know. I love you all. I know that there are times when it did not seem like it, but I do. I don't love one side more than the other, I just love.
I am reading a book right now that is changing my life in a lot of ways. I have been bound by things that I did not realize I was bound by until now. Unforgiveness and bitterness happens to be a topic in one chapter and pride happens to be the very next chapter. I don't think that is a coincidence in my life at all. Unforgiveness breeds bitterness, and bitterness is paralizing to the spirit within. It will take all meaning and joy out of life, and will only hurt those who allow it to remain in their souls. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. I am choosing to forgive.
I am sorry for who I have hurt, because I know the pain is great. For those who have placed hurt in my life, you are forgiven. That may sound prideful in and of itself, but this is what I know.... I have been forgiven much, so who am I to allow unforgiveness to kill my inner spirit. Some hurt was done purposefully and some done without knowledge. It is done.... it is over.....choose to forgive, or choose to not to forgive....either way I will love you.....but either way I am moving on.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Quick update

Thank you all so much for praying and participating in the whirlwind of a month that was my June. Just a quick update on the goals that were set and how they were met.
Goal #1. To be a Star consultant this past quarter which ended on June 15th:
I came in at just over Star production thanks to all of my great friends and customers who placed orders, spurred me on with words of encouragement and PRAYED!! for me.
Goal #2. To finish off the seminar year in DIQ (Director in qualification) with 8 team members
I came in just short of this goal with 6 team members. But Praise God for the team members that did come on! They inspire me daily and are already working toward their own goals. What a wonderful set of sharp women I have running beside me in this business. What an honor it is to see how God is growing them.
Goal #3. To finish off the seminar year in qualification for my car.
THIS I did!! I am now "on target" for my 1st car in Mary Kay, and 1/3 of the way into production for it. Thanks again to my fantastic customers and team members who are helping me realize my goals and dreams.
One other thing that is frightningly exciting to me is that I just received my very last un-employment check. I am now on my own...and I am so excited to see what exciting opportunities God is going to put in my path as He continues to be my Faithful provider.
This weekend in spending time in His Word I came across a wonderful passage in Ps. 91
This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. (bold print is mine) How GREAT IS OUR GOD!!
That is the update on my life for the month of June.
Goals for July......
To finish out the qualifications for Directorship
To hold 3 classes a week
To hold 3 facials a week
To finish qualification for my 1st car....the red Pontiac Vibe.
But most of all to be able to enrich the lives of my current and future customers with prayer and friendship.
How you can help:
-Host a skin care or some form of pampering class....even if you have hosted in the past you can host again.
-Refer friends and family to me. Remember that I do not have territories so they do not have to live in the Houston area. They can always order from my website Also remember that for every referal you send my way that ends up in an get $10 free product!
-Lastly and most importantly....continue to encourage me and to pray for me. I treasure the phone calls, the emails and the prayers that are sent my way. I could not have made it this far without you.
Thanks for all you do!!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Pink Caddy if you please

As I work towards being in qualification for my 1st car, and my qualifications to be a director; this article was sent to me by my incredibly amazing Cadillac driving director Brittany Mitchell.
I am so blessed that I not only have a company that will help me earn great cars, but I have incredibly Godly mentors that will keep my eye on the prize every step of the way.
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as you mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve. -Mary Kay Ash
This was in yesterday's Detroit paper.
Monday, June 26, 2006
THINK PINK: Mary Kay loves GM for its eye-popping Cadillacs
Brett Clanton / The Detroit News
Right now, hundreds of thousands of Mary Kay cosmetics sellers are competing for a unique trophy that has distinguished the best among them for nearly 40 years -- the keys to their very own pink Cadillac.
And next month, on a stage in Dallas, a few misty-eyed winners will claim their reward.
The honor of producing the Mary Kay Cadillac has not been lost on General Motors Corp., which through the years has fought to keep the account amid competition from suitors and a slump at its Cadillac brand during the 1980s and 1990s.
But the relationship may be equally important to Mary Kay, whose brand identity has been tied to the luxury car marque from the cosmetic company's earliest days. Rewarding top sellers with, say, a pink Lexus just wouldn't be the same.
While the pink is not so pink anymore and GM is not the same company it was when the program began, the pink Cadillac has endured as the ultimate prize for the Texas makeup purveyor as the company has grown into a global empire.
Along the way, the pink Caddy has also become an American icon, immortalized in songs by Bruce Springsteen and Aretha Franklin, dropped in movies and used as a ride for Barbie. But it is perhaps best known as an unmistakable symbol of the self-made businesswomen.
So, every few months, as it has for years, GM gets the call to build a new batch of big pink sedans. Workers at GM factories in Detroit and Lansing retrieve a special vat of paint marked "OGU," pink Cadillacs roll down the line, sandwiched between white, black and red models, and the tradition continues.
It's the car sellers hope for
The ritual traces its history to 1968, when, as the story goes, a young and ambitious woman named Mary Kay Ash strode into a Cadillac dealership in Dallas with an unusual request.
Pulling a compact out of her purse and pointing to the "Mountain Laurel" pink blush inside, she said she wanted a car in the same color.
The dealer complied, painted the car on-site and Ash had a rolling advertisement for the small cosmetics business she had started five years earlier at the age of 45 with $5,000 -- her life savings.
The following year, with her sales team growing and business taking off, she rewarded her top five sellers with a 1970 model year Cadillac Coupe DeVille -- bathed in bright pink paint.
The rest, of course, is history.
Today, Mary Kay Inc. rakes in more than $2 billion in annual sales and has 1.6 million employees from Uruguay to Ukraine.
But the United States, where 700,000 of Mary Kay's "independent beauty consultants" are based, is still the company's biggest market -- and one of only a few nations where a pink Cadillac is still the top prize.
"It's the car that everyone hopes to receive," said John DeLuna, a Mary Kay marketing and sales analyst who works with the car reward program.
GM has built about 100,000 pink Cadillacs. The attention the automaker shows the Mary Kay account is on full display at GM's large car factory in Hamtramck.
The plant annually builds about 800 pink Cadillac DTS sedans -- the top award for Mary Kay's star sellers. That makes Hamtramck the biggest producer of pink Caddys, dwarfing the output at GM's Lansing Grand River plant, where pink versions of midsize Cadillac CTS sedans are built for Mary Kay.
In Hamtramck, a pink Caddy is pampered in a way that the Buick Lucerne and other DTS models made on the same assembly line are not. A special tri-coat paint job takes more than twice as long as the normal three-minute treatment. And the cars get some exterior components, including rearview mirrors, delivered to the plant in Mary Kay pink by parts suppliers.
"At one point, making these vehicles used to be a big disruption," said Gregory Pratt, paint area manager of GM's Hamtramck plant.
But GM factories are much more flexible today than they once were, so Pratt and his team can respond to a Mary Kay order in seconds, rather than minutes and hours.
Through the years, the appearance of the Mary Kay Cadillac has also changed. No more fins. No more DeVille, which was phased out last year to make way for the DTS. And, most surprisingly, no more pink. Or at least not much of it.
Mary Kay pink has been updated six times in four decades, evolving from bubble-gum pink in the early years to a "pearlescent" shade today that is pink only in the right light. The rest of the time, a Mary Kay special might look like just another white sedan.
And not all of Mary Kay's legions of sellers are happy with the transition.
In the late 1990s, these cosmetics road warriors pushed back when a new shade was introduced that they felt was just too pale. "There were some people out there who wanted it a little pinker," DeLuna said.
So in 2000, the company rolled out a pinker pink to placate the miffed vendors.
Today, Mary Kay is working on a seventh-generation pink for award cars. GM says the new hue will be closely guarded until it is unveiled.
An interesting thing about the Mary Kay pink: Regular customers cannot buy a pink Cadillac from GM, nor have one painted by a GM dealer. It is an exclusive shade owned by the cosmetics company.
In addition, winners of a Mary Kay Caddy must return the cars after a two-year lease expires, at which time the company repaints them and sells them at auction. Those who choose to buy the pink cars must agree not to resell them to anyone other than approved dealers.
Account is valuable to GM
Keeping the Mary Kay people happy may be important to GM now more than ever. After losing $10.6 billion last year, GM is trying to scale back sales to image-killing rental car agencies, and beef up profitable fleet sales to corporate customers like the well-known cosmetics firm.
Along with the pink Cadillacs, Mary Kay buys hundreds of Pontiac Vibe hatchbacks and Pontiac Grand Prix sedans every year -- all painted red -- that are given as rewards to a second tier of top sellers.
Beyond the sales boost, though, GM and the Cadillac brand benefit from being connected to one of the best-known corporate award programs in the world, said Siobhan Olson, head of non-traditional marketing for Frank About Women, a consultancy in Winston-Salem, N.C.
"What brand wouldn't want to be known as a reward?"
To get an idea of how seriously GM views its relationship with the cosmetics company, look no further than GM's Renaissance Center headquarters. There, the automaker has a whole team -- headed by its own vice president -- to oversee the Mary Kay account.
Every week, the group has "Pink Tuesday" strategy meetings where team members -- including the men -- are encouraged to wear pink.
The team will do anything it can to better understand the women who will drive these cars, said Sharon Dudley-Parham, GM's fleet account manager of the Mary Kay business.
"We are sensitive to the fact that this is a long-term account," she said. "We are not interested in losing this business."
Mary Kay's DeLuna said there have been moments through the years when the makeup maker thought about going in a different direction.
"I hesitate to tell you," he said, "but we've considered it."
Mary Kay has always returned to GM because of the care it gives the account and competitive price, DeLuna said.
At this point, it would be hard to swap the Caddys for another model and have it mean the same thing.
Crisette Ellis, a national sales director for Mary Kay who lives in Bloomfield Hills, knows this all too well.
After winning four pink Cadillacs and qualifying for a fifth, she decided to take a cash prize rather than the car, an option that allowed her to buy a sleek Mercedes-Benz convertible.
After a while, though, she missed the recognition she got from wheeling around in a pink Cadillac and the sense of achievement that came with it.
"You can't show people the cash," said Ellis, 42, who now is in her fifth pink Cadillac.
In two weeks, thousands of Mary Kay sellers will gather at the Dallas Convention Center for the company's annual meeting, known as "Seminar," and a new crop of vendors will get their first pink Cadillacs.
As the moment draws near, women in the audience will make oversized steering wheel motions with their arms or hold mini-steering wheels to signal the time is nigh.
The winners will be called to the stage. Music will play. Tears will flow. And the dream that drove them to this point will be fulfilled.