Monday, September 18, 2006

News from Botswana

Hello all, due to an overwhelming response to a call for prayer for my sweet brothers, I am posting my mom's latest update rather than try to reiterate all the details myself. Thank you so much for praying and continuing to pray!

News of the new job, and journey to Dallas soon!
Dear Loved Ones,
In our last update, we said that Devin and I would be going to Johannesburg for further tests to see if we could find out how to help the pain Devin has been experiencing. We thought we might be there four-five days, but we were there nine days! Steve was here for the church, working on the government papers and building a desk.

The doctors ran tests that ruled out things like Chron’s disease and leukemia but did not find anything definitive. They believe all his problems stem from the glandular fever or cytomegalo virus that he has had this past year. This morning, he had another painful attack and we stayed at home. The doctor here did send out some medication that actually helped! That’s a huge prayer because nothing has helped up til now.

We are thankful for all of your prayers.

Steve said that last week, Dut stood in church and committed to helping build the church. He is the young father who’s unborn child died last month. Please keep praying for him and Anne.

Today we were able to have the youth back at our home after a few weeks of being unable to have them because of traveling and Devin’s sickness. It was such a joy to see them and listen to the questions and answers they have during our lesson time. Today’s lesson was on how the prodigal son came to be a prodigal. His wrong attitude toward authority led him away from the Father’s safekeeping. Every day we pray God will keep them walking in His ways.

Botswana culture comes through often when we play games. Today we were teaching them TABOO, the game where you try to get people to say a word without saying certain other words. The key word was POSITIVE....the girl picked it up and without missing a beat said, “When your HIV test has this result you are very upset.” !!! That was the first thing she thought of when she read the word positive. HIV/AIDS is devastating this generation, and we are asking GOD to powerfully change the lives of our youth.

Our son Derek, is also some better although still struggling some with his blood pressure. We appreciate your prayers for him. We are also thankful for one of our dear friends who has reached out to him in the past week.

Amanda, has moved to Dallas this week to take a job working with a company doing cross-cultural training. We are so grateful that God has supplied a steady income for her and has given her a place to stay while she looks for an apartment.

This morning, when Devin was hurting so bad, we were very discouraged, but we looked into each other’s eyes and said, “OUR GOD IS BIGGER THAN THIS!” Thank God he is feeling better this evening.

There is an undercurrent of sadness is our home because in just a few more weeks we will return with Devin to the States.

Please pray for each of us during this time.Thank you so much for your prayers,
Reaching the Unreached,Steve, Pam and Devin Workman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea your family was going through this!
You are always in my prayers - we miss you around here!!!