Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rainbow's & Dreams

Lately there is this fun trend in baking - creating colorful food!

This morning I decided I'd give it a try. Apparently my muffin pan really belonged to my former roommate, but that didn't stop me - I decided to try making rainbow mini-bundt cakes. As I got started I thought it would be fun to photograph every moment of the production - mostly a reason to play with my new lighting and my lovely camera. Below you will find the results of both the cooking and the photography.

These are most of the supplies needed. I realized after I'd dismantled this setup that I'd forgotten to include measuring spoons and my liquid measure. But here are the supplies just the same.

Mix of dry ingredients.

Cracking the egg. (This shot was very well timed and done without a tripod)

Mix of wet ingredients.

Mix it all together!

Separate into smaller bowls & add color.

Spoon the colors one at a time into the pans. I took a toothpick and just ran it in a couple different directions with one of them to see what the effect would be.

15 minutes in a pre-heated to 350 degree oven. I waited while knocking out a chapter and a cup of coffee on my pre-heated 90 degree patio.

Checking on them in the oven.

And Voila! you can see the funky toothpick designed one on the upper right hand corner. and then one cut so you can see all the fun pretty colors.

I took all of the remaining batter and made a normal sized "mini" bundt cake.

So these were pretty good for a first attempt, but I didn't really care for the batter recipe. So, I'm going to pull out my trusty yummy cake recipe and try again....stay tuned.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I pray for you when I run....

I pray for you when I run -
For Grace to believe
For Hope set free
For Joy to be found
For Mercy received
For Lies to be bound
For Dreams fulfilled
For Pain dispelled
For Wounds yet healed
For Truth to be known
For Prodigal's return
For Faith for all.

I pray for you when I run
And as I do, I pray for me.

Friday, May 28, 2010

If trinkets could talk....

I've spent the past few lunch hours and after work hours...wandering in and out of some fun antique & consignment shops.

I worked for an amazing decorator in college - one of my many jobs to work my way through school - I still came out in debt...but I digress.

So this decorator used to take me to all of these little junk shops, consignment stores and antique stores (pronounced Ant - y - q by me when a child, much to my mom's dismay)....and we would find all sorts of fun treasures to decorate people's homes...and mine.

Somewhere in the past few years I got out of the habit...but Iiiiii'mmmmm baaaaaaaaaack! :-)

I love to walk around in these stores and look at pretty things without the need to take them home. I think up fun stories about the people that used to own them and try to imagine the houses they were in and the fun previous lives they had. Oh, if bobbles and trinkets could talk...what stories they would tell....

My findings over the past few days....

Some beautiful vintage fabrics - stayed on the shelf I have no place to store them and no project in mind at this moment...but I know where they are!

Pretty little tray of broaches (what an awful word for such pretty baubles - seriously! put a "b" in front of "roach" and what instantly comes to mind...."pretty pins!")

I REALLY want to know the story behind this!! You KNOW it has a story!

This was the most amazing find! I LOVE getting mail...I don't get much personal mail anymore...but remember when checking the mail meant potential of finding a letter from a sweet friend or two. This would make the coolest cabinet ever! Oh to have the $2000 to purchase it....anyone want to donate to a great cause?

If you need a brand new coffee maker..I know where you can find a couple.

I couldn't resist sneaking a pic of this little girl who enjoyed flipping through some books while her mama shopped, she was so intent on each book - yet was definitely too young to be reading them. I hope she grows up to read and maybe even write books of her own....

A grown up reading nook....amazing collection of books...I'll be back to browse and buy.

My take home prize...a pretty basket big enough to hold all of my many projects so little fact...I'm off to work on one now.
ta ta

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Happy Place

This was my day.... get into work - realize I have put the wrong call in number on my committee call. IMMEDIATELY send out a correction and call everyone to make sure they got the number...super hungry but also need to run decided to do both at target. Fill up my basket and realize I don't have my wallet. UGH!! Come back to eat my now warm yogurt....then my chairman of my committee doesn't get on because he didn't get the message that the number was wrong!!! So..........
I decided to go to my happy place....looking at photographs I or others have taken that take me to another world! I've decided to share a few...may they take you to a happy place of your own.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two forms of transpo

I'd like to own both of these one day.....
This looks like such a fun motorcyle. I don't think they are really meant for the city, but I'd love to own one and drive the country roads one day.

and I need a new bike. I haven't owned one in a while and I really miss riding it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Clever words....

I want to write clever words, and thoughts to entertain.
I want to write of some fun find, or some sweet love gained.
Instead a battle seems to rage, a struggle for my mind;
Of negative and angry thoughts, or more of the sad kind.

I lift my eyes up to the hills, hoping my Help to see.
But clouds cover the mountain top and a dense fog covers me.
I beg to trust through endless doubt, believe in Truth that's near;
I plead for guidance and for Faith though the way unclear.

I want to say cute words and quips; to make you smile and laugh.
But instead tonight I can simply pray and keep stumbling up the Path.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Learning new things

I have found that in the past few years I have been remiss about learning new things. I used to love to learn new things, yet somehow I just stopped. I got jealous of the things that others could do but somehow did not feel that I could accomplish new things on my own. As one goes back and reads about my past few years and the struggles within - I think this lack of interest simply falls in with the person I was that I didn't like.

So - I've started changing that. I had a roommate who I personally think is brilliant, and I was constantly going to him and asking questions...How do I do this? How do I do that? He loved me enough to finally start answering ""
Because of this ever frustrating answer, I've learned that google is my friend and my favorite words to start a google search "How To". Two little magic words that open up so many fun things to learn.
"How to strengthen your fingers to play guitar", "How to play G/F#m",
(now if I could find "how to create calluses painlessly" - ouch!)

"How to make a banner using Gimp software on a Mac",
(I made this)

"How to do a treble crochet stitch"
(I'm making this for a friend)

....those are just the one's I've done in the past two hours.
I'm learning again...and loving it!

And now I am going to learn to go to bed before midnight!! I'm out people....

P.s. what do you think of my new banner....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

There's a longing in my heart....

*Author's note: I started writing this on May 8, 2010. It has taken me 9 days to write it, because these women in my life were so incredible, so powerful, and so amazing, that emotion kept taking over and I had to pause to honor each one.

It's May the 8th. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the day I touched down on US soil to make it "home". I'd said goodbye to the place that held my heart. I'd packed up what I wanted to bring with me - given away the rest. I walked out of my little pink and white bedroom, drove away from my sweet house and dogs, tears poured down my face as I drove away from all my heart had known and loved for all the memories of my life.
There is a longing in my heart for that place. It never really goes away. The curse of being a Third Culture Kid. Where you love is most often a continent or an ocean away from where you are.
In Africa they say it takes a village to raise a child - I definitely had an amazing village. So today, on this 15th anniversary - and the day before Mother's day - I'd like to honor the mom's of the "village" of Eldoret.
My own mom, Pam Workman, it was the sensitivity to the Lord's calling on your heart at the tender age of 7 that put us in Africa in the first place. Thank you for your obedience to that calling. Thank you for loving me, for homeschooling me, for showing me the world through your eyes. Thank you for passionately loving Jesus, and for loving my dad. You are an example I can only hope to live up to; you are my hero. (there is a blog I wrote about her a few years ago - here - it all still applies.)
The rest of these women listed are not listed in a particular order - just as they come to mind today.
The mom's of the Church of Christ team.
Beth Cox, you are my first memory of this team. You loved me, and patiently taught me so much. I was so young and you were so loving. I remember our first furlough home, I was asked who my friends were, I told them my "best friend" was a CofC missionary lady - that went over well with our Baptist family I assure you. It taught me that differences didn't matter as long as we loved Christ. You taught me how to bake brownies from scratch, how to love children well, you let me love yours...the day you left Eldoret it broke my heart. So thankful that God moved in such a way that I still get to know who you are. Your children are beautiful and marvelous and I know they rise up and call you blessed.
Holly Conway, one of the sweetest women I have ever known. You, too, spent hours of time with me for no reason other than to pour into my life. You helped me plan my mom's surprise party for her 40th birthday. I remember we all went to tea at your house and you said "Today is a day of thanksgiving, and today we are thankful for Pam." You then lead everyone in going around and saying why they were thankful. Such a beautiful example - I've remembered that example for years and use it to honor friends in my own life. I love your happy to have Andrew as my friend and am so proud of him and his time at ACU...he is a reflection of your heart and love for Jesus.
Claudia Greek, you patiently and lovingly taught me how to sew and how to sign. I still do both occasionally. Your tender heart towards the world was such a loving example of how to see people. You saw the potential in everyone and I loved that about you. Your girls are beautiful...I am grateful that they are still in my life!
Donna Meeks, you always laughed with me. You saw joy in everything and you taught me how to do so as well. The sweet ways you loved Africans was so beautiful to me. Even now that is a memory I hold in my heart. Your children are incredible! What stunning young men and women they have and are growing up to be.
The other women of the Church of Christ team - you trusted me to babysit your children at such a young age....I adore each of them and am so thankful for the pouring of your lives into mine.
Deborah Williams - you ever so patiently taught me to "tickle the ivories." I cannot imagine the crowns of jewels that you earned while trying to teach me. Thank you! My heart and love of music is heavily influenced by you.
Trisha Nygaard, I still think of you every time I say the word "Bizarre". You taught me to laugh and love and that life was an adventure to be had. I remember when Brent was born, it was the first time I remember bursting into awestruck tears at the sight of a newborn. You laughed and cried with me and told me that was how it felt when babies were born. You loved me enough to let me experience that and make sure I knew it was okay to cry. Memories of you bring me so much joy.
Patty Bogart, you are some of my earliest memories. You always encouraged every imagination that Kim and I had. You taught me at a very young age to dream big dreams because of that encouragement. Thank you...that influences my life today.
Phyllis Stirewalt - you also are many of my earliest memories of Eldoret! I have experienced so much laughter with your sweet girls! I adore all of them, and am so glad we are still friends to this day!! I still randomly say "Well, floozy I guess!" It still makes me laugh out loud even if no one else gets it or thinks it is funny! Thank you for raising wonderful children.
Ms. Linda - You moved to town and brought me the friendship of your daughters. Your carefree and easy going manner always made me feel welcome and a part of your home. You laughed with us and quietly guided us away from the dangerous routes teenagers can take without us even knowing it till we looked back. You always listened and never judged. Thank you for loving us enough to do that. Your daughters are tremendous and I am so glad to call them friends.
Mama Rhoda - my mother's sweet friend - and my sweet African grandma. Your sweet spirit and easy laughter made my life one absolutely full of joy and light! Your love for Jesus in spite of all of your hardships was my first examples of living out the suffering spoken of in the gospel. Your "nothing can stand against me," go getter attitude taught me that nothing can stand in the way of my dreams.
Mama Jela - you are in the sweet presence of the Jesus tonight and I know you are so happy. You taught me how to love. I miss you. Thank you for investing your love for Him into my life. Your children are beautiful, they reflect the spirit of who you are - and the Jesus you loved. Alice Cheshire - in your home, I was one of your own. You gave me my Kalenjin name, Chepkimboi. I have some crazy memories of that house on the corner. I was not some mzungu child that was catered too...I was just as African as your kids. I was taught how to serve my elders, to be in presence of dignitaries, to serve those less fortunate than I was, to laugh, to love Jesus and to have fun. I still want to get married at Mokongi on the terrace that overlooks the hills one day. So much of my life is wrapped up in memories of you and yours. I love your children - so blessed to call them friends.
Sue Fort - how you must have wondered about this crazy American girl that brought noise and chaos to your world! I adored every moment in your presence whether it was playing tennis, working at the library, keeping golf scores, singing carols at Christmas or simply sitting with a drink and few stories on the porch. I loved your laughter, I can still hear it if I listen hard enough! Your children were my friends and I so enjoyed their sharing their holidays with me. You loved me and took me in as a lovely English auntie...I love you and am so thankful to God for you in my life.
Flick VanKaufmann - every memory of you makes my heart sing with joy. You were so patient with me and always had an ear for my stories and a kind word for my day. You are beautiful. There is a bit of quiet English calm in my tea loving soul - that is your influence in my life.
Ruth Fernandez, again, I have no idea how in the world you put up with me. You let me just pop in and out of your house whenever my heart desired. You shared your life with me and I love you.
Billu Gil - I love you so much more than you will ever know. My heart LONGS for your home....even now. I want tea made by you, Dad sitting next to me with tea bisquets. In your eyes and in your home I could do no wrong - that is because all I wanted was to please you. I can hear you calling my name from time to time - making me promise not to be "naughty". You taught me to cook yummy morsels and made me the daughter in your home. There are so many influential and admirable ways that you influenced me - till today - that words are not enough. I love your children like brothers and I promise to always take care of them.
Jindi - I was 7 - you came to my house - the first Indian woman I had ever met. I remember that day like it was yesterday. You were so beautiful - I wanted to be just like you. You had a son and you let us be friends. You had a daughter and you let us laugh together. You taught me how to cook....and then taught me how Pali liked it cooked just in case I ever needed to cook for him. You always cooked a special dish for me "without so many chilis" because you knew my poor little mouth couldn't take the hot...ha ha ha. Your sweet friendship to my mother and your wonderful ways you cared for your family influenced has my life for all of those years. I am who I am because of you.
Aunt Carol Koetz - You were and are one of the greatest influences in my life. I loved that you lived next door. You taught me how to have a servant's heart (one I can only dream of living up to one day).....that there was always room for more around the table....that faith was simple and strong....that Christ was enough. In so many ways I feel your spirit in my the way I cook, the way I worship, the way I love others. My life is completely changed because you were in it.
As I write this my mind can see clearly the homes that are represented. The homes, the faces, the streets of that sweet place & these incredible women. I am sure that in my fuzzy memories I have forgotten someone. There were so many that loved this little crazy white girl in this little African town. I had African, Indian, British and American mama's & aunties. They loved me, they prayed for me, they laughed with me and they patiently helped form the person I am today. They came from all walks of life, religions and cultural differences and made up the people that I call family.
My heart longs for you today, sweet prays for you daily...that you will know an experience the love of Christ. I long to sit and have a cup of tea, to help you in the kitchen, to play with your children, to go back and relive each moment of love that I experienced at the mercy of your hands.
On this month of honor to mothers - I honor you. There are not adequate enough words to describe who you are to me...this is my humble attempt.

Thank you for being my "village". I promise to do my best make you proud.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A morning of thoughts

My friend Laura Stephens (who writes the most beautiful blogs), has recently taken to just typing out thoughts as they come to her. This morning all of the thoughts tumbling around in my head are just begging to come out and be I thought I'd do the same thing.

I want to be in Africa....I miss my brother already and he is not yet on the plane.....I absolutely love the purple petunia that has bloomed....why haven't the rest of them bloomed....Coffee - in the top three of God's creations...right after oceans and stars....and most days, before humans....there is a dog down stairs....I can hear the collar tags...Paddington be quiet. UGH, I need to get him to a training class. I am in desperate need of a mani/pedi. I hate that I can't do as good a job on myself as the cute little Vietnamese do...

My brain is alert this morning....yea for vitamins....please let this be the answer and let the normalcy continue. I need to look on IKEA for a bed. I thought I wanted the iron one but want to be double sure. I love the way my apartment looks without the clutter of a table. Purging of stuff has not been so bad at all.

The sound of the cars on the tollway, kind of sound like the ocean in the distance. I wish the ocean was as close as the tollway. Brother is probably boarding right now....I'd give anything to be on the plane with him. God, one day will you let my heart and body dwell in the same place? They've been separated for so long. Picasso always looks like he is posing for some kitty model search....maybe he is.

My fingers are sore from guitar....Lord, would you make my little hand stronger. I wonder if there are exercises for finger flexibility....finger yoga! yes! must google. I love google -

It's been way too long since I was on a plane anywhere....I have so many friends to visit, but I think I'd like to get on a plane and just go somewhere....just me....put that on my goal poster. London - *sigh...I need me some Billu & Chuchi. Mmmmm Indian food.....

I need to get up and be productive. Make my bed...clean the bathroom....laundry. I'm out!

Monday, May 03, 2010

An April Ramble....

I flipped the calendar this morning from April to May - but before I did I just stood there and looked at all the month of April had held....

A day of fools....a Friday they say is early Easter dinner on a Saturday night with my aunt's cooking, my papa's laughter, fun conversation around the table Easter lunch on Sunday with friends - One from the past, one from the present and one just made that Easter Sunday that ended in celebration of the Cross, the blood shed, a resurrection full of Hope that gives me life today...

Sunday's to worship with the Village, Monday's of Mary Kay
Massages, lunches with friends,
my friend's playing good music
my first ride in a pedicab,

prayer with the Elders, my first guitar lesson, sweet god-daughter turning 1...
a dentist appointment...
blue bonnets
...Taxes...A brother celebrated another dad did too.
A symphony, a painting, a play - all enjoyed with friends I love.
Ending with Day 1 of Road Rules 2010 with the Village Church!

That was just the stuff on my calendar. Someday someone may find this calendar, and look at the words and think nothing of them. But there were days of laughter, days of fun, days of tears and sadness as well, days when I doubted, days when I rejoiced, days when I was lonely, & days overwhelmed by the love of friends. For every minute of every day I am onto May!