Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Happy Place

This was my day.... get into work - realize I have put the wrong call in number on my committee call. IMMEDIATELY send out a correction and call everyone to make sure they got the number...super hungry but also need to run decided to do both at target. Fill up my basket and realize I don't have my wallet. UGH!! Come back to eat my now warm yogurt....then my chairman of my committee doesn't get on because he didn't get the message that the number was wrong!!! So..........
I decided to go to my happy place....looking at photographs I or others have taken that take me to another world! I've decided to share a few...may they take you to a happy place of your own.


laura elizabeth said...

that third picture is STUNNING!! i love it!

Tigpan said...

LOL - you chose the one picture I didn't take! :-)