Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Leaving Africa

My parents and youngest brother (who was born in Kenya and holds Africa in his soul) get on a plane today. Devin must come stateside for college though it is killing his heart to do so.

Please be in prayer as they travel and as his heart hurts. Pray that God's amazing grace will transend all the pain of leaving and they will feel the comfort and love of HIM.


1 comment:

twiga92 said...

I feel for him. I'm a TCK also and grew up in the countries of Bangladesh and Kenya. I only spent 2 years in Kenya, but when I graduated and came back to the States I was leaving all my friends, my family, my school, and my country. Kenya just gets into your soul. It's important to grieve the losses. Even seemingly small ones - like matatus and drinking out of bottles instead of cans. :-) My email is listed on my blog if he needs someone to "vent" to. Been there and can relate oh so well!