1422 William Caxton 1st English printer (Histories of Troy)
1655 Johann Christoph Denner inventor (clarinet)
1802 Nikolaus Lenau Hungary, German poet (Faust, Die Albigenser)
1814 Anders Jonas Sweden, physicist, founded spectroscopy
1818 Lucy Stone pioneered women's rights
1819 Sir George Gabriel Stokes physicist/mathematician (Spectroscope)
1820 Sir George Grove London, England, biblical scholar/musicologist
1860 Annie Oakley Drake Ohio, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West)
1888 John Logie Baird Scotland, inventor (father of TV)
1895 Robert Burton actor (Dr Gordon-Kings Row)
1898 Jean Borota France, tennis champ (35 Wimbledons between 1922-64)
1899 Alfred Hitchcock London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window)
19-- Alex Donnelley Frankfurt Germany, actress (Young & Restless)
19-- Alma Cuervo Tampa Fla, actress (Sylvia-AKA Pablo)
19-- Hank Cheyne actor (Another World, Young & Restless)
19-- Jane Carr actress (Louise-Dear John)
19-- Sid Falck rocker (Overkill-Hello From the Gutter)
1902 Felix Wankel Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine)
1902 Regis Toomey Pitts Pa, actor (Burke's Law, Petticoat Junction)
1904 Charles "Buddy" Rogers actor (Wings)
1907 Alfred Alwin Felix Krupp Essen Germany, arms manufacturer
1908 Gene Raymond NYC, actor (Paris 7000, Fireside Theater)
1909 John Beal actor (Amityville 3D)
1912 Ben Hogan Dublin Tx, PGA golfer (US Open 1950, 51, 53)
1912 Rita Johnson Worcester Mass, actress (All Mine to Give)
1918 Frederick Sanger England, chemist (Nobel 1958, 1980)
1919 Rex Humbard televanglist
1920 George Shearing London, blind pianist/composer (Lullabye of Byrdland)
1921 Neville Brand actor (Cahill, US Marshal)
1927 Fidel Castro Ruz Cuban political leader
1929 Pat Harrington Jr NYC, actor (Danny Thomas Show, 1 Day at a Time)
1930 Don Ho Hawaii, ukulele player (Tiny Bubbles)
1931 Norman Read NZ, 50K walker (Olympic-gold-1956)
1934 Gary Davidson founder of ABA, WHA, WFL
1939 Saul Steinberg artist (The Art of Living)
1942 Robert L Stewart Wash DC, Brig Gen US Army/astronaut (STS 41B, 51J)
1943 Gary Ilman US, 100m freestyle (Olympic-4th-1964)
1947 Gretchen Corbett Camp Sherman Ore, actress (Beth-Rockford Files)
1948 Kathleen Battle Portsmouth Ohio, soprano (Shephard-Tannh„user)
1949 Bobby Clarke Manitoba, NHL player/coach (Phila Flyers)
1949 Sheralee Ft Lauderdale Fla, vocalist (Your Hit Parade)
195- Kavi Raz India, actor (VJ Kochar-St Elsewhere)
1951 Dan Fogelberg Peoria Ill, rocker (Sang Auld Lang Syne)
1955 Betsy King LPGA golfer (1990 Dinah Shore, 1990 US Women's Open)
1958 Feargal Sharkey rocker (Undertones-Never Never, Good Heart)
1959 Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx)
1959 Mark Nevin rocker (Fairground Attraction-Find My Love)
1961 Dawnn Lewis actress (Jaleesa-Different World)
1963 Pamela Jean Stein Syracuse NY, playmate (Nov, 1987)
1963 Tigg Ketler Chula Vista Ca, drummer (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)
1964 Ian Haughland heavy metal rocker (Europe-The Final Countdown)
1967 Quinn Cummings LA Calif, actress (Annie-Family, Goodbye Girl)
19?? - Jeff Lynn, San Angelo, TX - man of God's vision, husband, father, musician, writer, Pastor, Bishop. Episcopas. Overseer, along with Presbuteros. Elder. And Poimen, Shepherd. More than that even - Friend!! (The Church at Alden Bridge)

Happy Birthday!
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