Thank you all so much for praying and participating in the whirlwind of a month that was my June. Just a quick update on the goals that were set and how they were met.
Goal #1. To be a Star consultant this past quarter which ended on June 15th:
I came in at just over Star production thanks to all of my great friends and customers who placed orders, spurred me on with words of encouragement and PRAYED!! for me.
Goal #2. To finish off the seminar year in DIQ (Director in qualification) with 8 team members
I came in just short of this goal with 6 team members. But Praise God for the team members that did come on! They inspire me daily and are already working toward their own goals. What a wonderful set of sharp women I have running beside me in this business. What an honor it is to see how God is growing them.
Goal #3. To finish off the seminar year in qualification for my car.
THIS I did!! I am now "on target" for my 1st car in Mary Kay, and 1/3 of the way into production for it. Thanks again to my fantastic customers and team members who are helping me realize my goals and dreams.
One other thing that is frightningly exciting to me is that I just received my very last un-employment check. I am now on my own...and I am so excited to see what exciting opportunities God is going to put in my path as He continues to be my Faithful provider.
This weekend in spending time in His Word I came across a wonderful passage in Ps. 91
This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. (bold print is mine) How GREAT IS OUR GOD!!
That is the update on my life for the month of June.
Goals for July......
To finish out the qualifications for Directorship
To hold 3 classes a week
To hold 3 facials a week
To finish qualification for my 1st car....the red Pontiac Vibe.
But most of all to be able to enrich the lives of my current and future customers with prayer and friendship.
How you can help:
-Host a skin care or some form of pampering class....even if you have hosted in the past you can host again.
-Refer friends and family to me. Remember that I do not have territories so they do not have to live in the Houston area. They can always order from my website www.marykay.com/amandaworkman Also remember that for every referal you send my way that ends up in an order....you get $10 free product!
-Lastly and most importantly....continue to encourage me and to pray for me. I treasure the phone calls, the emails and the prayers that are sent my way. I could not have made it this far without you.
Thanks for all you do!!!
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