Thursday, August 28, 2008

Of newsy notes

I am at work....trying desperately to stay awake. I have not been sleeping well for the past couple of weeks...this often happens when I am stressed and/or change is happening. (with that criteria it is amazing that I sleep at all!)

So here is what's happening in the life of Amanda:
September 20th, I will be moving to a new abode. After a year and a half of living 20 minutes from work and 30 minutes from church, I have decided to make a move to an apartment that is much closer to both.
Sadly, my roommate will not be moving with me. Her current employment is in the opposite direction from mine, so my moving closer is her moving farther. Also her brother is moving to town and will be her new roommmate.
So, P&P and I will be setting into a new place that is all our own. One of the best is no where near Cowboys! traffic!!!!

I have been asking God for some very direct answers regarding my future. Specifically within my Mary Kay. I had made the decision that I was going to quit being a consultant as a hobby. This meant one of two things. I was quitting altogether or getting serious. Due to some very specific things that the Lord revealed to me in the last part of July, I have decided to get serious. I am now working my business as a business. I am on a very systematic and structured path toward directorship. You can help here by praying for this business, that it would be used for His glory. Refer friends, host a spa pampering session (if you are out of town that is ok you can host a web party! just ask how!), or if you know someone who is looking for an amazing opportunity in a company that puts God first, Family second and Career third (in word and in deed), then please send them my way.

Many of you have asked about my holiday plans. I am so excited to say that I am going to get to go to Botswana for Christmas. An adopted home of sorts as Kenya is HOME, but Botswana is where mom and dad live! I will be leaving December 17th and don't return until January 5th. I will also have a few short days to spend in England a whirlwind tour of friends that I have not seen in 13 years! I am so excited! Definitely not long enough, but will be a start.

God continues to move in my life daily. He is stretching my faith to new levels and building in me areas of trust I didn't even know I struggled with before. I am more in love with the Father than I have ever been. I am currently leading an incredible group of ladies in a home group style setting. This has been an adventure! For those who know me well, they know my lack of desire to even have girls as friends, much less lead a group of them. Yet these girls have rocked my world. I have never had friendships as sweet and as deep as these and I am so excited for it to keep going!

At church I have taken on leadership within the intercessory ministry. Something that I told God I wouldn't do...He just smiles when we say stuff like that. It is an old journey with a new vision and the Lord is teaching me so much about prayer and the power of it.

Many of you have asked about my sweet friend Karen and her son Alex. He is smack in the middle of chemo therapy and now has a website you can visit and keep track of praying for him. Head over and leave a note of encouragement.

Lastly, as I have been packing, I have run across some fun memories...and one was a book that I just started writing sayings, lyrics, and poems I enjoyed. I now do that by blogging I suppose, but I came across this poem by Emily Dickinson and it just made me smile.

A thought went up my mind to-day
That I have had before,
But did not finish,--some way back,
I could not fix the year,

Nor where it went, nor why it came
The second time to me,
Nor definitely what it was,
Have I the art to say.

But somewhere in my soul, I know
I've met the thing before;
It just reminded me--'t was all--
And came my way no more.



K said...

Hey Girl! Yes, Fish will be 7 on Monday!! Can't believe it myself! I don't have a date on his First Communion, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know.

It will be sometime in May, after Bean's HS graduation!! AHHH!!!! I am getting so old!!

How are you? Miss you lots! Coming to the woods anytime soon?

K said...

I meant to add, I will be praying for Karen and Alex. Another hero that I will be running for!