Sunday, August 24, 2008


Sometimes things are just too deep and painful, sometimes just to deep and joyful to write out or process all at once. The past few months have been that for me. I am still processing, but today as I was spending time in the Word, I began to write this prayer of sorts. What I have come to know is that in sadness, pain or blissful joy...He alone is enough.

Through loss of one, pain strikes
Through rejection a deepening wound
Confusion riddles the mind
Sleepless sadness turns to slumbering escape.

Desire for tomorrow
Robs the joy of today.
Pride shows its promises yet unfulfilled
While in the corner humility quietly waits
Redemption offered up in open hands

Turn to the left, turn to the right
Life spinning, seemingly out of control.
Searching for fantasies just out of reach
When He alone is enough.

"Child, do you trust me?"
"No, Lord" is my cry
Honesty, He desires,
Brokenness, He treasures.

Your name...brings restoration.
Your's joy.
Your name...tomorrow's glory.
Your pleasure.
Your gain.
Your treasure.
You...Hope Found!!

1 comment:

MC said...

Hey you. I wish could have been there when you wrote this...just to give you a hug. But I did read your most recent post - sounds like you followed your own words and found solace in Him ;o) Love you Amanda!