Father's day has officially come and gone...in fact it has been over a month now. After posting about my mom, I know that you were waiting for my post, in fact, many of you emailed to ask me about my lack there of.
Thoughts of my dad are hard to put into words at all, because my dad is overwhelming to me. Let me explain. From the beginning of my life...my dad was there. (don't roll your eyes at my cheesy obvious statement, let me explain)
My dad announced my coming at his college graduation.
My dad wasn't upset when they told him I was a girl, even though I was supposed to be a boy.
My dad was who I ran to when I got in trouble - not that I got in less trouble, it just didn't seem so bad when he was right there.
My dad took me fishing for the 1st time with my own little pole and rod.
My dad killed a snake coming out of the water with a big rock at the same fishing hole. (we never went fishing again without a pistol).
My dad was there my 1st day of kindergarten.
My dad was there when I learned how to ride a two-wheel bicycle...and when I fell down, he picked me up again.
My dad was there when I knelt by the couch in our living room and gave my heart to Jesus.
My dad was there when I was baptised.
My dad was there praying over me when he gave his life to missions....this was the 1st time I remember my dad crying.
My dad was there when I said good-bye to grandparents and friends and got on a HUGE plane and headed for Africa - a place he said he would never go - then God took him there and now he says he will never leave.
My dad was there when I saw Africa for the 1st time, we saw giraffes running on the ground as we were circling to land.
I heard my dad cry our 1st night in Africa wondering what in the world we were doing there....but the next morning he assured me it was going to be the best home we had ever had...and it was.
My dad is in every single memory that I have of Africa.....
.....the brave warrior who gave commentary on baby lions.
.....the unassuming pastor who led hundreds of African's to the saving love of Jesus.
.....the adventurous eater who had a chicken head placed in front of him...and who taught me how to graciously say "no" without insulting a culture.
.....the carpenter man, who could create anything he put his mind to.
.....the farmer boy, who taught me how to love all living things. (except snakes!)
.....the patient man, who learned to drink coffee and milky tea and build one relationship after another while quietly influencing Christ into the lives of others.
.....the loving man, who hurt with me when I hurt, and laughed with me when I laughed, who danced the "roger rabbit" with me when everyone else in the room thought I just looked silly.
.....the man in the moon who taught me how to look at the African sky and see life.
.....the man on the street who taught me how to look at a person and see a soul.
.....the man of compassion who gave bread and cookies to begger children.
.....the man who could have been the Mayor of Eldoret, Kenya.
....the modest man who was just as comfortable in a mud hut in a village as he was in the home of the President's brother.
.....the sacrificing man who put his children's happiness before his own.
.....the sports man who won the "piga mingi" award with grace and style.
.....the protecting man, whose only act of road rage was in protection of his children.
.....the funny man, who hates to be laughed at.
.....the encouraging man who taught me how to pursue my dreams no matter what others said.
.....the humble man who when he had done wrong was big enough to confess it and ask for forgiveness.
My dad was there when I got on the plane to return to the US, leaving my home, my passion, my heartbeat. He held my hand and promised it would be ok.
My dad was there when after 1 1/2 years of excrutiating pain that was bible college, I came home from BBC feeling a failure...he told me I wasn't....I believed him.
My dad was there when I made Abilene home.
He put me in my 1st apartment and then did one of the hardest things he ever had to do (or so he says) he drove away and left me there to be a young adult.
My dad sent me money, even when I didn't want to have to need it.
My dad was on the phone when I had good news and when I had bad.
My dad prayed at my graduation ceremony.
My dad told me he was proud of me. There is no greater feeling.
My dad prays for me daily, his quiet influence leads my life in ways that he will never know. He is a gift I can never hope to repay.
My gift of writing you all seem to love....yep that's from my dad.
You see, I look like him, I act like him.....he is intricately woven into my life so much that when it comes to saying "Hey this is my dad and he is great....words just seem inadequate."
But he is MY DAD! He is Great! I am so honored and blessed that when God looked down to find a family to put me in, Steve Workman was the man he chose to be my father.
I love you, dad!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
A friend sent this link to me this morning. I have read the poem before, but the scenery is beautiful and the music it is set to provided peace. Just want to take a pause in my hectic morning and thank you for being part of my "DASH".
Loving my faithful readers today, praying that your dash will be full and overflowing with the richness of HIS love. It is like no other. I know that some would think that I am just subscribing to a religion.....this is not true....what is true is simply that He who lives within me is my best friend. There is no way I have made it through this past year without HIM.
Loving my faithful readers today, praying that your dash will be full and overflowing with the richness of HIS love. It is like no other. I know that some would think that I am just subscribing to a religion.....this is not true....what is true is simply that He who lives within me is my best friend. There is no way I have made it through this past year without HIM.
Yesterday marked my one year in MK. I got to celebrate, by MC-ing (is that a word) the debut/grand opening of my Brooke's Mary Kay journey.
Hard to believe that a little over a year ago, my dear friend Sara Wallace, called me to announce her own entry into this amazing company and I, being the amazing supporter that I am....laughed at her!
A few weeks later after time and research I also signed my contract, and what a journey I started on!!
A company that was founded on the Golden Rule, that puts God 1st, family 2nd and career 3rd. Exactly how life should be. What other company can you think of that does this?? Mary Kay's vision 43 years ago was a pioneering one in a world where men dominated the sales force and where women would never make it past an administrative position.
Her dream was to have a company where God would reign and women would NEVER have to choose between raising their children and making ends meet.
43 years later....Mary Kay, Inc. has more women making 6 figures than any other company in the world, their car fleet is larger than the US government, and with 1.6 million consultants worldwide they are enriching the lives of women one face at a time. Helping women to believe in themselves. Sounds cheesy I know, but I can personally testify that my life has been changed. I am able to encorporate this business with my ministry. I am able to be a part of and touch lives that I would NEVER have encountered had I not signed that initial contract.
The money, prizes and recognition, they are really just fluff, compared to the friends I have made, the lives I have encountered and the people who touch my life daily and make a difference in who I am today.
My customers and sister consultants, not forgetting to mention my amazing Godly directors....who read this....thanks! You make the journey worth it!
A word of wisdom from the amazing softspoken pioneer....(check out her acheivements!!)
"Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping, and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me." -Mary Kay ASH
Hard to believe that a little over a year ago, my dear friend Sara Wallace, called me to announce her own entry into this amazing company and I, being the amazing supporter that I am....laughed at her!
A few weeks later after time and research I also signed my contract, and what a journey I started on!!
A company that was founded on the Golden Rule, that puts God 1st, family 2nd and career 3rd. Exactly how life should be. What other company can you think of that does this?? Mary Kay's vision 43 years ago was a pioneering one in a world where men dominated the sales force and where women would never make it past an administrative position.
Her dream was to have a company where God would reign and women would NEVER have to choose between raising their children and making ends meet.
43 years later....Mary Kay, Inc. has more women making 6 figures than any other company in the world, their car fleet is larger than the US government, and with 1.6 million consultants worldwide they are enriching the lives of women one face at a time. Helping women to believe in themselves. Sounds cheesy I know, but I can personally testify that my life has been changed. I am able to encorporate this business with my ministry. I am able to be a part of and touch lives that I would NEVER have encountered had I not signed that initial contract.
The money, prizes and recognition, they are really just fluff, compared to the friends I have made, the lives I have encountered and the people who touch my life daily and make a difference in who I am today.
My customers and sister consultants, not forgetting to mention my amazing Godly directors....who read this....thanks! You make the journey worth it!
A word of wisdom from the amazing softspoken pioneer....(check out her acheivements!!)
"Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping, and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me." -Mary Kay ASH
Mary Kay
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Midnight in Tig's world
It is Midnight on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I went to bed an hour ago and after tossing and turning decided that the best thing to do would be to get up. I mean why try to force sleep when it is obvious it is not coming anytime soon.
So, for boredom's sake (fair warning for all of you currently reading this post.) I am going to detail out my evening....which as it turns out was pretty exciting to me.
Let's use 6 PM for the evening starter.
AT 6PM I was on my way to drop of my Emily. She is the daughter of a friend of mine who has grown into a sister through the years. In fact, our resemblence, mannerisms and general thoughts on life, often put us into the sister category by default.
Miss Emily is on the Varsity Cheer Squad at Oak Ridge High School, and has recently been asked to cheer on the competitive squad at Woodland's Elite. She is a beautiful girl and growing into an amazing young woman. Not anything like the 3rd grader I met 8 years ago!
6:30 PM After dropping her off at practice, I made my way to a facial appointment. I got to get to know a new customer and spend time letting her story enrich my life. Plus I made a sale, but really that is just the fluff.
7:45 PM Onto a conference call with a potential new team member and my hot mama director Brittany Mitchell. The call went well, and I have a new team member! This brings my count to 7!! Praise the Lord! One more and I am officially in DIQ! God is good!
8:30 PM off the conference call, but onto a call with my director, talking about upcoming seminar, plus some goals and plans that I have for myself! My director is such an amazing woman. She is not only one of the most beautiful directors in Mary Kay history...but she is one Godly woman. She encourages me daily in my walk and I cannot imagine my life without her.
**side note** I know that I say the words "I cannot imagine my life without so-so" all the time. Please know that I do not take this phrase lightly. I truely cannot imagine the logistics of my life without the many influences that God has put in it. Go back to my post from earlier this year. Something in that is just for you....you are in my life!
8:55 PM I got to talk to one of my favorite people on the planet. Building on a friendship of 15 years, every conversation brings joy to my heart. Silly?!? Probably, but true nonetheless.
9:15 PM On the couch watching Project Runway. Yes, my current favorite reality series. I watched all of last season and I was having Daniel withdrawls. He was not he winner, but Michael Kors offered him a job on national television....amazing talent!!
Ha...how may hyperlinks can you put in a sentence? Give me a break it is 12:30 and I am in ramble mode ok!
9:30 PM Phone rings and I get to spend talking with one of THE Kennedy's. "THE Kennedy's? You mean the real Kennedy's" Of course they are real...I do not talk to imaginary friends anymore, unless I am bored and lonely! This young man who has introduced me to people as "The sister I never knew I wanted." Called just to chat and to give me a prayer request. He knows that I love his family as my own and that I would of course pray over them. Talking to him I could not believe that he was really my Ryno. I am so proud of who I get the pleasure of watching him become. I am so proud of you Ryno. So glad you stopped "hating" me.
10:00 PM
Friend's episode....cleaning kitchen....pulled out vacuum then decided that was a task for tomorrow.
10:30 PM
Off to bed...but TV still on as well as reading a book.
11:00 PM TV sleep timer turned on....Will and Grace ( I know I know!!) episode running in the back ground.
Toss turn....TV off....toss turn more......KSBJ on....toss turn.
Forget it! up out of bed....and this blog was born!
I leave you with a scene from my sweet friend's backyard. And the words of wisdom of my friend Arnie (aka cricket) always tells me....ALL great things start with" A".
Yes....... as in "Amanda".
So, for boredom's sake (fair warning for all of you currently reading this post.) I am going to detail out my evening....which as it turns out was pretty exciting to me.
Let's use 6 PM for the evening starter.
AT 6PM I was on my way to drop of my Emily. She is the daughter of a friend of mine who has grown into a sister through the years. In fact, our resemblence, mannerisms and general thoughts on life, often put us into the sister category by default.
Miss Emily is on the Varsity Cheer Squad at Oak Ridge High School, and has recently been asked to cheer on the competitive squad at Woodland's Elite. She is a beautiful girl and growing into an amazing young woman. Not anything like the 3rd grader I met 8 years ago!
6:30 PM After dropping her off at practice, I made my way to a facial appointment. I got to get to know a new customer and spend time letting her story enrich my life. Plus I made a sale, but really that is just the fluff.
7:45 PM Onto a conference call with a potential new team member and my hot mama director Brittany Mitchell. The call went well, and I have a new team member! This brings my count to 7!! Praise the Lord! One more and I am officially in DIQ! God is good!
8:30 PM off the conference call, but onto a call with my director, talking about upcoming seminar, plus some goals and plans that I have for myself! My director is such an amazing woman. She is not only one of the most beautiful directors in Mary Kay history...but she is one Godly woman. She encourages me daily in my walk and I cannot imagine my life without her.
**side note** I know that I say the words "I cannot imagine my life without so-so" all the time. Please know that I do not take this phrase lightly. I truely cannot imagine the logistics of my life without the many influences that God has put in it. Go back to my post from earlier this year. Something in that is just for you....you are in my life!
8:55 PM I got to talk to one of my favorite people on the planet. Building on a friendship of 15 years, every conversation brings joy to my heart. Silly?!? Probably, but true nonetheless.
9:15 PM On the couch watching Project Runway. Yes, my current favorite reality series. I watched all of last season and I was having Daniel withdrawls. He was not he winner, but Michael Kors offered him a job on national television....amazing talent!!
Ha...how may hyperlinks can you put in a sentence? Give me a break it is 12:30 and I am in ramble mode ok!
9:30 PM Phone rings and I get to spend talking with one of THE Kennedy's. "THE Kennedy's? You mean the real Kennedy's" Of course they are real...I do not talk to imaginary friends anymore, unless I am bored and lonely! This young man who has introduced me to people as "The sister I never knew I wanted." Called just to chat and to give me a prayer request. He knows that I love his family as my own and that I would of course pray over them. Talking to him I could not believe that he was really my Ryno. I am so proud of who I get the pleasure of watching him become. I am so proud of you Ryno. So glad you stopped "hating" me.
10:00 PM
Friend's episode....cleaning kitchen....pulled out vacuum then decided that was a task for tomorrow.
10:30 PM
Off to bed...but TV still on as well as reading a book.
11:00 PM TV sleep timer turned on....Will and Grace ( I know I know!!) episode running in the back ground.
Toss turn....TV off....toss turn more......KSBJ on....toss turn.
Forget it! up out of bed....and this blog was born!
I leave you with a scene from my sweet friend's backyard. And the words of wisdom of my friend Arnie (aka cricket) always tells me....ALL great things start with" A".
Yes....... as in "Amanda".

random thots
Friday, July 07, 2006

I love this picture. A dear person in my life once named it "Serenity", and loved it with an enthusiasm I had never had about any of my work. It was one of the biggest complements of my life, so I gave it to him.
This picture is an amazing representation of just that. Just looking at this used to make my whole day brighter. Now it makes me long for this peace.
The past year of my life has been horrible. I realize that in comparison to other horrors happening in the world, some would think I was being petty and looked at my blessed life as cake. But to me, I have faced tragedies that I have never faced before, and hope that I never have to face again.
There were some of these situations that were brought on by myself. I allowed myself to be too proud to truely ask why, and I am ashamed of that.
I have said and done hurtful things that I should have never said or done. I have spread rumors and for that I ask for forgiveness. One day I will have to answer to God for it all. One day I will have the chance to sit down and apologize face to face to those I have hurt. But for now I am doing it here. I am sorry that I did not take the opportunity to listen before. Wrong was done, and is done. Life is full of crap and unfortunately I have added to it in several lives. For some of you I caused a wound and I am sorry, for others of you I allowed you to pick at your wound too long and even helped you pick at it I am equally as sorry for that.
For all of us. What is done is done. Let's move on. Realize that what was done and said on all sides was done from deep wounds of hurt. The President of our United States said something this morning that really hit home with me. He said that "Our problems and issues did not pop up over night, they were small on going things that have now festered into a larger problem.....they will not be solved overnight either. But I am committed to working to find a solution for peace."
I am going to go ahead and steal those words. I don't know if there will ever be the peace that I want. The peace of families that love each other. Apologies need to happen, prideful walls need to be torn down, amazing grace will have to reign in ways that are incomprehensible to me right now. But here is what I know. I love you all. I know that there are times when it did not seem like it, but I do. I don't love one side more than the other, I just love.
I am reading a book right now that is changing my life in a lot of ways. I have been bound by things that I did not realize I was bound by until now. Unforgiveness and bitterness happens to be a topic in one chapter and pride happens to be the very next chapter. I don't think that is a coincidence in my life at all. Unforgiveness breeds bitterness, and bitterness is paralizing to the spirit within. It will take all meaning and joy out of life, and will only hurt those who allow it to remain in their souls. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. I am choosing to forgive.
I am sorry for who I have hurt, because I know the pain is great. For those who have placed hurt in my life, you are forgiven. That may sound prideful in and of itself, but this is what I know.... I have been forgiven much, so who am I to allow unforgiveness to kill my inner spirit. Some hurt was done purposefully and some done without knowledge. It is done.... it is over.....choose to forgive, or choose to not to forgive....either way I will love you.....but either way I am moving on.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Quick update

Thank you all so much for praying and participating in the whirlwind of a month that was my June. Just a quick update on the goals that were set and how they were met.
Goal #1. To be a Star consultant this past quarter which ended on June 15th:
I came in at just over Star production thanks to all of my great friends and customers who placed orders, spurred me on with words of encouragement and PRAYED!! for me.
Goal #2. To finish off the seminar year in DIQ (Director in qualification) with 8 team members
I came in just short of this goal with 6 team members. But Praise God for the team members that did come on! They inspire me daily and are already working toward their own goals. What a wonderful set of sharp women I have running beside me in this business. What an honor it is to see how God is growing them.
Goal #3. To finish off the seminar year in qualification for my car.
THIS I did!! I am now "on target" for my 1st car in Mary Kay, and 1/3 of the way into production for it. Thanks again to my fantastic customers and team members who are helping me realize my goals and dreams.
One other thing that is frightningly exciting to me is that I just received my very last un-employment check. I am now on my own...and I am so excited to see what exciting opportunities God is going to put in my path as He continues to be my Faithful provider.
This weekend in spending time in His Word I came across a wonderful passage in Ps. 91
This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. (bold print is mine) How GREAT IS OUR GOD!!
That is the update on my life for the month of June.
Goals for July......
To finish out the qualifications for Directorship
To hold 3 classes a week
To hold 3 facials a week
To finish qualification for my 1st car....the red Pontiac Vibe.
But most of all to be able to enrich the lives of my current and future customers with prayer and friendship.
How you can help:
-Host a skin care or some form of pampering class....even if you have hosted in the past you can host again.
-Refer friends and family to me. Remember that I do not have territories so they do not have to live in the Houston area. They can always order from my website www.marykay.com/amandaworkman Also remember that for every referal you send my way that ends up in an order....you get $10 free product!
-Lastly and most importantly....continue to encourage me and to pray for me. I treasure the phone calls, the emails and the prayers that are sent my way. I could not have made it this far without you.
Thanks for all you do!!!
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