Saturday, July 10, 2010


So last year, I made and kept this amazing resolution that I was going to travel somewhere fun at least once a month. I went all over the place and traveled enough to finally earn Gold status with American.

This year - my resolution is to be out of debt, because I want to go back to school. I am furiously working at this particular goal, but it has very much cramped my travel schedule! The last time I was on a plane was months ago - a 24 hour work trip to Chicago.

Months and months of being in Dallas has been ok. I've deepened some friendships, made some new ones. Learned more about Dallas the city. Found fun and interesting things to do around town - and could probably find a few more if I wanted. I've accomplished somethings I've been wanting to accomplish, like running my first 5K. It has been good over all.

But my soul is feet are itching. Really my heart is not happy unless there is a trip in the planning. Praying for wisdom as to what the next adventure is that He might have for me....something that requires lots of travel time.

In the meantime, this restless soul will just do a bit of wandering today - and who knows....maybe paint a wall or grab my camera and find something pretty to photograph. Or maybe just drive on over to DFW and jump on a plane......


laura elizabeth said...

Where are you planning on going?!?! I'm dying to know!! I feel the SAME way as you do about travel. Goodness, we must be gypsies. :)

Tigpan said...

Yes, gypsies is a good term to describe us! Not sure where I'm going yet - praying a lot about that.