Thursday, July 01, 2010

Rambling Happenings

This new blog is taking longer than I thought to design.

It has rained for three days in Dallas and I couldn't be happier. I am running a 5k on Sunday...I have never run a 5k.
Ian Hart Nicolato was born is also David Hart Coté's day of birth. Random coincidence on the middle names as they don't know each other.

I can smell the coffee brewing and my mouth is watering in anticipation. I wish I could make cream art with it like this. I'm going to learn!

I would like for Charlee Hope Anderson to make her way into the world - pronto.

I miss California more now than I have in a long time. Praying that one day.....

My cat and my dog are nose to nose..."stalking" each other this morning....they really do make me laugh out loud.

I love waking up happy....there is really no better feeling!

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