Friday, June 13, 2008

God is doing a work

**Editor's note***
I just found where I started a post on 5/29/08 that looks a lot like a recent one! LOL Decided to post it anyway.

So I looked back over the past month or so and all of my post seem sad. Let me assure you that I am not sad. God is doing a work....I'll write more on it...or maybe I won't...still processing and thinking. But I know that through every step of learning, going back to the basics, there is hope in Him, and that is everlasting!

Now for some random thot's......

So here is where I fell in love with the person that Chris Daughtry

I am afraid, that here is where I did a bit of cheating and fell in love with David Cook....and then continued on pretty much through the entire season...especially with this.

But neither one mind, they understand and I have made room for both in my heart.

Though never been one to not miss an episode of anything...I did not miss one episode of this year's Idol thanks to DVR. Congratulations David Cook!

I found out that a medication that is keeping me from having a stroke is what is causing the cough I thought was allergies. So I'll be weaning myself off of that...and onto something else.

This morning I woke up craving Mexican food....and God provided it for free! LOVE that!

Paddington is 5 months old and makes me laugh out loud daily. He has been asking to write a new blog so I may let him on the computer a bit later.

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