Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.
Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.
Wait, I say, wait on the Lord.....wait upon the Lord.
Wait, I say, wait on the Lord....wait upon the Lord.
Still, in a holding pattern. Know that the potential short term living would not work out....and position in Cross cultural training still on hold....
So, we'll just see what God has in store.
That is my news for now...
Tired and discouraged, but mostly tired.
Still processing the rest.
Still trusting.
Still Praying
Still Seeking Earnestly.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The life of an TCK
I am a TCK. NO not a TICK....a T-C-K. A third culture kid. Third-culture kids are those who have spent some of their growing up years in a foreign country and experience a sense of not belonging to their passport country when they return to it. In adapting to life in a ‘foreign’ country they have also missed learning ways of their homeland and feel most at home in the ‘third-culture’ which they have created.
We are a renowned group of people from as far back in time as Abraham's children, and ranging in genre from Military Brats to Missionary Kids and every thing in between.
When I was truly a "kid" in age. I lived in Kenya, East Africa. There are many parts of my heart and soul and being that are Africa, though my Passport was issued in this country and I was born in the all American town of Mobile, Alabama.
While in Africa I was exposed to other TCK's of different nationalities and backgrounds, and though we were truly different in many ways we all had the common bond of being TCK's. This was a pretty special connection to me, even though it was not until years later that I realized the significance of it all.
I am going to use some exerpts from my sweet friend and expert on the subject of TCK's as well as being an ATCK herself, Ruth VanReken to explain some of this.
Common personal characteristics of TCKs (children who grow up in this world):
Large world view
Language acquisition
Can be cultural bridges
Rootlessness—“Home” is everywhere and nowhere
Sense of belonging is often in relationship to others of similar background rather than shared race or ethnicity alone
In 1984, Dr. Ted Ward, of Michigan State University, stated that TCKs 3 were the “prototype citizens” of the future. 4 In other words, the experience of growing up in and amid many cultures coupled with a mobile lifestyle would one day be the norm rather than the exception as it was in the early days of Dr. Useem’s initial studies.
Because of that, it is important to look at the TCK experience as a “petri dish”—a place where certain factors related to such a lifestyle have already been isolated and studied. As we do that, we can begin to apply lessons learned to a larger group of children and adults that is currently emerging…those individuals who are growing up or have grown up as what we are now calling cross cultural kids.
Because I have the extreme honor of being one of these children, and having spent invaluable time with Ruth VanReken and the late David Pollock. My passion for others like me has grown. Our world is just now realizing the significance of TCK's and even more so CCK's (Cross cultural kids- a person who has lived in—or meaningfully interacted with—two or more cultural environments for a significant period of time during developmental years).
As most of you know, I have a degree in International business and my passion and desire is to work in cross cultural training. Helping TCK's and their parents to fully understand the world to which they belong. Mostly to help them know they DO belong.
"The stress for most CCKs is not from the multiplicity of cultures they experience in their childhood but comes when they try to repatriate or fit into some other cultural box others expect them to belong to but which is being defined in racial, nationalistic, or other more traditional ways of defining “culture”.
Perhaps one of the greatest gifts to give a CCK is to acknowledge the reality that this world of multiple cultures they have experienced as children is a valid place of belonging, even if not rooted in one geographical place or ethnicity. Need to stop “pathologizing” the issues but begin to perhaps define new norms." - David Pollock
An opportunity has come up for me in this area. I will let you know more about it as I do. Once again, His timing reigns in my life! More to come.....
We are a renowned group of people from as far back in time as Abraham's children, and ranging in genre from Military Brats to Missionary Kids and every thing in between.
When I was truly a "kid" in age. I lived in Kenya, East Africa. There are many parts of my heart and soul and being that are Africa, though my Passport was issued in this country and I was born in the all American town of Mobile, Alabama.
While in Africa I was exposed to other TCK's of different nationalities and backgrounds, and though we were truly different in many ways we all had the common bond of being TCK's. This was a pretty special connection to me, even though it was not until years later that I realized the significance of it all.
I am going to use some exerpts from my sweet friend and expert on the subject of TCK's as well as being an ATCK herself, Ruth VanReken to explain some of this.
Common personal characteristics of TCKs (children who grow up in this world):
Large world view
Language acquisition
Can be cultural bridges
Rootlessness—“Home” is everywhere and nowhere
Sense of belonging is often in relationship to others of similar background rather than shared race or ethnicity alone
In 1984, Dr. Ted Ward, of Michigan State University, stated that TCKs 3 were the “prototype citizens” of the future. 4 In other words, the experience of growing up in and amid many cultures coupled with a mobile lifestyle would one day be the norm rather than the exception as it was in the early days of Dr. Useem’s initial studies.
Because of that, it is important to look at the TCK experience as a “petri dish”—a place where certain factors related to such a lifestyle have already been isolated and studied. As we do that, we can begin to apply lessons learned to a larger group of children and adults that is currently emerging…those individuals who are growing up or have grown up as what we are now calling cross cultural kids.
Because I have the extreme honor of being one of these children, and having spent invaluable time with Ruth VanReken and the late David Pollock. My passion for others like me has grown. Our world is just now realizing the significance of TCK's and even more so CCK's (Cross cultural kids- a person who has lived in—or meaningfully interacted with—two or more cultural environments for a significant period of time during developmental years).
As most of you know, I have a degree in International business and my passion and desire is to work in cross cultural training. Helping TCK's and their parents to fully understand the world to which they belong. Mostly to help them know they DO belong.
"The stress for most CCKs is not from the multiplicity of cultures they experience in their childhood but comes when they try to repatriate or fit into some other cultural box others expect them to belong to but which is being defined in racial, nationalistic, or other more traditional ways of defining “culture”.
Perhaps one of the greatest gifts to give a CCK is to acknowledge the reality that this world of multiple cultures they have experienced as children is a valid place of belonging, even if not rooted in one geographical place or ethnicity. Need to stop “pathologizing” the issues but begin to perhaps define new norms." - David Pollock
An opportunity has come up for me in this area. I will let you know more about it as I do. Once again, His timing reigns in my life! More to come.....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Amazing Elephant Story
This is truly an amazing story...
A young man was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from college. While he was walking through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed so the man approached it very carefully.
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot. There was a large thorn deeply embedded in the bottom of the foot. As carefully and as gently as he could, he worked the thorn out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.
The elephant turned to face the man and with a rather stern look on its face, stared at him. For a good ten minutes the man stood frozen -- thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned and walked away. The man never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.
Twenty years later the man was walking through the zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to where they were standing at the rail. The large bull elephant stared at him and lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times, all the while staring at the man. The man couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant. After a while it trumpeted loudly; then it continued to stare at him.
The man summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. Suddenly the elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of the man's legs and swung him wildly back and forth along the railing, severely injuring him.
Probably wasn't the same elephant. ha ha ha ha ha
A young man was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from college. While he was walking through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed so the man approached it very carefully.
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot. There was a large thorn deeply embedded in the bottom of the foot. As carefully and as gently as he could, he worked the thorn out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot.
The elephant turned to face the man and with a rather stern look on its face, stared at him. For a good ten minutes the man stood frozen -- thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned and walked away. The man never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.
Twenty years later the man was walking through the zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to where they were standing at the rail. The large bull elephant stared at him and lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times, all the while staring at the man. The man couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant. After a while it trumpeted loudly; then it continued to stare at him.
The man summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. Suddenly the elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of the man's legs and swung him wildly back and forth along the railing, severely injuring him.
Probably wasn't the same elephant. ha ha ha ha ha
Our Plans
**Also please note that some scriptural dialog is the New Amanda Version (NAV) **
What gives us the audacity to think that we need to "help God out"? I really don't think that God is on His throne saying "So, I created the universe and all that is in it, but I am really not sure what I am going to do if you don't help Me with your life."
And why is it that we as humans think we have to come up with a "plan" for our lives?? Especially those of us who are believers in Christ. Please show me one person in the Bible whose own plan worked out? Let me just save you the time and trouble as I have already done it.....NONE OF THEM!!
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
Adam and Eve - eat the fruit and find out all the things God knew, that they didn't - great plan...now man has to work and woman has monthly pain...thanks guys...great plan!
Cain...hmm..."Soooo, not fair! My brother getting more attention than I am....I'll kill him"....and we have our 1st murder! NICE!
Noah....do you think it was in his 5 year plan to build a boat as large as two football fields....as football had not yet been invented...I don't think so....God told him to do it, and that is why it worked!
Tower of Babel....yeah, here is a good idea...."Hey guys, we had this flood that covered our entire existence as we know it...including the mountains...so let's build a tower taller than a mountain so we can live in it and outsmart God"....the result.....foreign language requirements in college...again...thanks guys!
Abraham....now here is a fabulous guy....God said "pack up"...so he did....God said "go, I'll tell you where to stop"...so he did....God said "don't take anyone with you"....ooops.....there was Lot...what a pest he was....but fine, God worked through that one....God said "I will make you the father of many nations." Abraham said..."Uh Lord, my wife is old, so let me "help you out". 2000 plus years later...the families are still fighting...have you watched Fox News lately?
Moses...God said...."SPEAK to the rock"....Moses said..."I am so freaking tired of these whiners" and HIT the rock...result....gets to see promise land, and then die before actually going there.
Children of Israel....now here is a fine example of morons trying to do it there way....40 years people....take a hint....just trust!!
Need more proof?
Ok fine...David....here is man after God's own heart....his plan....stay home and get frisky with Bathsheba....oh dear, will these guys never learn?
I will not even get started in the Major and Minor Prophets.
The New Testament continues in similar fashion.
**Also please note that some scriptural dialog is the New Amanda Version (NAV) **
What gives us the audacity to think that we need to "help God out"? I really don't think that God is on His throne saying "So, I created the universe and all that is in it, but I am really not sure what I am going to do if you don't help Me with your life."
And why is it that we as humans think we have to come up with a "plan" for our lives?? Especially those of us who are believers in Christ. Please show me one person in the Bible whose own plan worked out? Let me just save you the time and trouble as I have already done it.....NONE OF THEM!!
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
Adam and Eve - eat the fruit and find out all the things God knew, that they didn't - great plan...now man has to work and woman has monthly pain...thanks guys...great plan!
Cain...hmm..."Soooo, not fair! My brother getting more attention than I am....I'll kill him"....and we have our 1st murder! NICE!
Noah....do you think it was in his 5 year plan to build a boat as large as two football fields....as football had not yet been invented...I don't think so....God told him to do it, and that is why it worked!
Tower of Babel....yeah, here is a good idea...."Hey guys, we had this flood that covered our entire existence as we know it...including the mountains...so let's build a tower taller than a mountain so we can live in it and outsmart God"....the result.....foreign language requirements in college...again...thanks guys!
Abraham....now here is a fabulous guy....God said "pack up"...so he did....God said "go, I'll tell you where to stop"...so he did....God said "don't take anyone with you"....ooops.....there was Lot...what a pest he was....but fine, God worked through that one....God said "I will make you the father of many nations." Abraham said..."Uh Lord, my wife is old, so let me "help you out". 2000 plus years later...the families are still fighting...have you watched Fox News lately?
Moses...God said...."SPEAK to the rock"....Moses said..."I am so freaking tired of these whiners" and HIT the rock...result....gets to see promise land, and then die before actually going there.
Children of Israel....now here is a fine example of morons trying to do it there way....40 years people....take a hint....just trust!!
Need more proof?
Ok fine...David....here is man after God's own heart....his plan....stay home and get frisky with Bathsheba....oh dear, will these guys never learn?
I will not even get started in the Major and Minor Prophets.
The New Testament continues in similar fashion.
We have Peter who could NOT keep his mouth shut...and let's not forget lopping off an ear.
Judas...30 pieces of silver and one suicide later.
Saul kills people.
Pharisees and Saducees - nuf said.
Ananias and Sapphira - the ever generous liars of the bunch...DEAD.
Let me stop here and say this....I am not judging any of these people...hindsight is totally 20/20. If I had been there...I probably would have done the same thing or worse. I certainly have my own list of making my own plans examples I could list on this page.
So what is my point here?
In Jeremiah 29:11 the Word says -
“For I (meaning God) know the plans I (God again) have for you, says the Lord.
They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek ME. I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land.”
Take a quick look at those words again....do you see anywhere that God says..."with your help" or "if you do this and this and this" or "go ahead and make your own plans then if I think they are good enough I'll help you" The answer is a resounding “NO!”
The Lord says..."I have a plan for YOU." I created you with a purpose in mind and a dream to fullfil. The only instructions given to us in those verses are Pray, Seek me in earnest. I looked up that word "earnest" it means with purposeful and sincere intent. That is it...seek HIM with a purposeful and sincere heart and He will end the captivity, restore the fortunes and let me go home!!
So to my point. Right here and now I am going to tell you my plan.
It is to pray, that God will be right there leading me as He knows the master plan anyway.
It is to seek Him in earnest, knowing that He alone knows the end of the story and that is what He has asked me to do.
I am trusting that "His faithful promises are my armor and protection." (Ps.91)
I promise that when I know what I am going to do…you will know...I LOVE each one of you and am so incredibly thankful for all the love that you are sending my way.
This I know to be true...that no matter what God works through even the dumbest of human plans....so there is hope for me!
I mean after all, God did get all those animals on the ship...using Noah.
God brought forth an incredible nation....using Abraham.
God got his children to the land of promise....using Moses.
I promise that when I know what I am going to do…you will know...I LOVE each one of you and am so incredibly thankful for all the love that you are sending my way.
This I know to be true...that no matter what God works through even the dumbest of human plans....so there is hope for me!
I mean after all, God did get all those animals on the ship...using Noah.
God brought forth an incredible nation....using Abraham.
God got his children to the land of promise....using Moses.
God did teach us forgiveness....using Peter.
God brought His Grace to the gentiles...using Paul.
random thots
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Jeff Lynn - my Episcopas.
Born on this date in History: 8/13
1422 William Caxton 1st English printer (Histories of Troy)
1655 Johann Christoph Denner inventor (clarinet)
1802 Nikolaus Lenau Hungary, German poet (Faust, Die Albigenser)
1814 Anders Jonas Sweden, physicist, founded spectroscopy
1818 Lucy Stone pioneered women's rights
1819 Sir George Gabriel Stokes physicist/mathematician (Spectroscope)
1820 Sir George Grove London, England, biblical scholar/musicologist
1860 Annie Oakley Drake Ohio, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West)
1888 John Logie Baird Scotland, inventor (father of TV)
1895 Robert Burton actor (Dr Gordon-Kings Row)
1898 Jean Borota France, tennis champ (35 Wimbledons between 1922-64)
1899 Alfred Hitchcock London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window)
19-- Alex Donnelley Frankfurt Germany, actress (Young & Restless)
19-- Alma Cuervo Tampa Fla, actress (Sylvia-AKA Pablo)
19-- Hank Cheyne actor (Another World, Young & Restless)
19-- Jane Carr actress (Louise-Dear John)
19-- Sid Falck rocker (Overkill-Hello From the Gutter)
1902 Felix Wankel Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine)
1902 Regis Toomey Pitts Pa, actor (Burke's Law, Petticoat Junction)
1904 Charles "Buddy" Rogers actor (Wings)
1907 Alfred Alwin Felix Krupp Essen Germany, arms manufacturer
1908 Gene Raymond NYC, actor (Paris 7000, Fireside Theater)
1909 John Beal actor (Amityville 3D)
1912 Ben Hogan Dublin Tx, PGA golfer (US Open 1950, 51, 53)
1912 Rita Johnson Worcester Mass, actress (All Mine to Give)
1918 Frederick Sanger England, chemist (Nobel 1958, 1980)
1919 Rex Humbard televanglist
1920 George Shearing London, blind pianist/composer (Lullabye of Byrdland)
1921 Neville Brand actor (Cahill, US Marshal)
1927 Fidel Castro Ruz Cuban political leader
1929 Pat Harrington Jr NYC, actor (Danny Thomas Show, 1 Day at a Time)
1930 Don Ho Hawaii, ukulele player (Tiny Bubbles)
1931 Norman Read NZ, 50K walker (Olympic-gold-1956)
1934 Gary Davidson founder of ABA, WHA, WFL
1939 Saul Steinberg artist (The Art of Living)
1942 Robert L Stewart Wash DC, Brig Gen US Army/astronaut (STS 41B, 51J)
1943 Gary Ilman US, 100m freestyle (Olympic-4th-1964)
1947 Gretchen Corbett Camp Sherman Ore, actress (Beth-Rockford Files)
1948 Kathleen Battle Portsmouth Ohio, soprano (Shephard-Tannh„user)
1949 Bobby Clarke Manitoba, NHL player/coach (Phila Flyers)
1949 Sheralee Ft Lauderdale Fla, vocalist (Your Hit Parade)
195- Kavi Raz India, actor (VJ Kochar-St Elsewhere)
1951 Dan Fogelberg Peoria Ill, rocker (Sang Auld Lang Syne)
1955 Betsy King LPGA golfer (1990 Dinah Shore, 1990 US Women's Open)
1958 Feargal Sharkey rocker (Undertones-Never Never, Good Heart)
1959 Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx)
1959 Mark Nevin rocker (Fairground Attraction-Find My Love)
1961 Dawnn Lewis actress (Jaleesa-Different World)
1963 Pamela Jean Stein Syracuse NY, playmate (Nov, 1987)
1963 Tigg Ketler Chula Vista Ca, drummer (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)
1964 Ian Haughland heavy metal rocker (Europe-The Final Countdown)
1967 Quinn Cummings LA Calif, actress (Annie-Family, Goodbye Girl)
19?? - Jeff Lynn, San Angelo, TX - man of God's vision, husband, father, musician, writer, Pastor, Bishop. Episcopas. Overseer, along with Presbuteros. Elder. And Poimen, Shepherd. More than that even - Friend!! (The Church at Alden Bridge)

Happy Birthday!
1422 William Caxton 1st English printer (Histories of Troy)
1655 Johann Christoph Denner inventor (clarinet)
1802 Nikolaus Lenau Hungary, German poet (Faust, Die Albigenser)
1814 Anders Jonas Sweden, physicist, founded spectroscopy
1818 Lucy Stone pioneered women's rights
1819 Sir George Gabriel Stokes physicist/mathematician (Spectroscope)
1820 Sir George Grove London, England, biblical scholar/musicologist
1860 Annie Oakley Drake Ohio, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West)
1888 John Logie Baird Scotland, inventor (father of TV)
1895 Robert Burton actor (Dr Gordon-Kings Row)
1898 Jean Borota France, tennis champ (35 Wimbledons between 1922-64)
1899 Alfred Hitchcock London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window)
19-- Alex Donnelley Frankfurt Germany, actress (Young & Restless)
19-- Alma Cuervo Tampa Fla, actress (Sylvia-AKA Pablo)
19-- Hank Cheyne actor (Another World, Young & Restless)
19-- Jane Carr actress (Louise-Dear John)
19-- Sid Falck rocker (Overkill-Hello From the Gutter)
1902 Felix Wankel Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine)
1902 Regis Toomey Pitts Pa, actor (Burke's Law, Petticoat Junction)
1904 Charles "Buddy" Rogers actor (Wings)
1907 Alfred Alwin Felix Krupp Essen Germany, arms manufacturer
1908 Gene Raymond NYC, actor (Paris 7000, Fireside Theater)
1909 John Beal actor (Amityville 3D)
1912 Ben Hogan Dublin Tx, PGA golfer (US Open 1950, 51, 53)
1912 Rita Johnson Worcester Mass, actress (All Mine to Give)
1918 Frederick Sanger England, chemist (Nobel 1958, 1980)
1919 Rex Humbard televanglist
1920 George Shearing London, blind pianist/composer (Lullabye of Byrdland)
1921 Neville Brand actor (Cahill, US Marshal)
1927 Fidel Castro Ruz Cuban political leader
1929 Pat Harrington Jr NYC, actor (Danny Thomas Show, 1 Day at a Time)
1930 Don Ho Hawaii, ukulele player (Tiny Bubbles)
1931 Norman Read NZ, 50K walker (Olympic-gold-1956)
1934 Gary Davidson founder of ABA, WHA, WFL
1939 Saul Steinberg artist (The Art of Living)
1942 Robert L Stewart Wash DC, Brig Gen US Army/astronaut (STS 41B, 51J)
1943 Gary Ilman US, 100m freestyle (Olympic-4th-1964)
1947 Gretchen Corbett Camp Sherman Ore, actress (Beth-Rockford Files)
1948 Kathleen Battle Portsmouth Ohio, soprano (Shephard-Tannh„user)
1949 Bobby Clarke Manitoba, NHL player/coach (Phila Flyers)
1949 Sheralee Ft Lauderdale Fla, vocalist (Your Hit Parade)
195- Kavi Raz India, actor (VJ Kochar-St Elsewhere)
1951 Dan Fogelberg Peoria Ill, rocker (Sang Auld Lang Syne)
1955 Betsy King LPGA golfer (1990 Dinah Shore, 1990 US Women's Open)
1958 Feargal Sharkey rocker (Undertones-Never Never, Good Heart)
1959 Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx)
1959 Mark Nevin rocker (Fairground Attraction-Find My Love)
1961 Dawnn Lewis actress (Jaleesa-Different World)
1963 Pamela Jean Stein Syracuse NY, playmate (Nov, 1987)
1963 Tigg Ketler Chula Vista Ca, drummer (Bang Tango-Dancin' on Coals)
1964 Ian Haughland heavy metal rocker (Europe-The Final Countdown)
1967 Quinn Cummings LA Calif, actress (Annie-Family, Goodbye Girl)
19?? - Jeff Lynn, San Angelo, TX - man of God's vision, husband, father, musician, writer, Pastor, Bishop. Episcopas. Overseer, along with Presbuteros. Elder. And Poimen, Shepherd. More than that even - Friend!! (The Church at Alden Bridge)

Happy Birthday!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Power of Pink
"Pink is an attitude not a color!" Imagine my excitement upon hearing these words at my very 1st Mary Kay seminar, kicking off the beginning of the 2006/2007 seminar year. (Namely because I am learning to care for pink, so to know that the power of pink was an attitude was something I could grab a hold of rather than have to wear all the time.)I learned some amazing things at this meeting and after being back home for week, and having some time to reflect on all of my reasoning wanted to share a little with you.
1st of all I went to this meeting expecting to come away with new ideas on booking classes....and I did. And new ideas on recruiting and team building...and I got a few of those as well. However, I did not expect to come away from a corporate meeting having been abundantly blessed by God, and having heard from HIM and about Him from the stage. This was a corporate meeting not a revival, right?
I heard lots of great advice and testimony after testimony of women giving God the glory for blessing the work of their hands. However, I learned the most from Candy Lewis. She was the queen of sales for our entire seminar and she was powerful!
Listen to what God spoke through her to me:
"God's delay is not God's denial!" - Ok, after hearing that I could have gone home. God touched me in that one sentence in ways I could never have imagined.
Next she said,
"Turn your problems into God's promises." - Hello!
" After you finish crying, what are you going to do?" - Wake up call!!!
"When trials come your way, they are there to see how badly you want it." - (gulp)
"God will sign you up for the same course, until you learn the lesson." Ok, Ok, I am learning! I am learning!
Lastly, and I swear even though she was being telecast from the other room, she looked me straight in the eye - don't you hate it when speakers do that! - and she said
"If you don't know your 'Why', your 'Want' doesn't matter"
Ok now, here she got me. I know my want. I have my goals set, on my goal poster, I affirm them and pray over them every day. But I never really set forth my why's clearly and directly. In fact, I believe my why's changed daily. So, I went to a quiet place - hard found by the way with 10,000 plus women - and I began to write my why's and prioritize them. And now I am listing them for you. Why? You may ironically ask?
Well because my goal is big. I am looking to wear that director's ring by October 1st. I want to be a director, and I want to have a team of women that are in the business of enriching the lives of others. I want you to know the Why's because there are going to be days that I lose sight of these why's. There will be days I am tired and discouraged and don't think I can make it any more. And when I call you and I am crying and exausted, I want you to ask me
"Amanda, when you are finished crying what are you going to do?" And then I want you to remind me of my why's. Put their faces in front of me and remind me that I have a purpose and a plan directed by God and they are the reason.
With that my friend's I give you my why's.
#1. to be out of debt
#2. to get my parents out of debt that they are in because they have supported my dream.
#3. to help pay for Devin’s education so he does not come out of school with the debt I currently have
#4. to help fund whatever opportunity God opens up for the orphans in Botswana
#5. to be able to get on a plane and go to be with my mom and dad whenever I feel like it because I can afford it.
#6. to be able to meet a special need for a missionary when it arises
#7. to further the work of the gospel
#8. to enrich the lives of women with the love of God by one on one contact in my business
#9. to invest in the lives of people around the world with Kingdom good news
#10. to be able to say “To God be the Glory” every step of the way.
To all these reasons I step out of my house in faith, believing His plan is for me.
The struggle of the past nine months has simply been to set my focus and to strengthen my relationship with my BEST FRIEND. Pray with me, as I know that the War is WON, but there are battle’s yet to come.
1st of all I went to this meeting expecting to come away with new ideas on booking classes....and I did. And new ideas on recruiting and team building...and I got a few of those as well. However, I did not expect to come away from a corporate meeting having been abundantly blessed by God, and having heard from HIM and about Him from the stage. This was a corporate meeting not a revival, right?
I heard lots of great advice and testimony after testimony of women giving God the glory for blessing the work of their hands. However, I learned the most from Candy Lewis. She was the queen of sales for our entire seminar and she was powerful!
Listen to what God spoke through her to me:
"God's delay is not God's denial!" - Ok, after hearing that I could have gone home. God touched me in that one sentence in ways I could never have imagined.
Next she said,
"Turn your problems into God's promises." - Hello!
" After you finish crying, what are you going to do?" - Wake up call!!!
"When trials come your way, they are there to see how badly you want it." - (gulp)
"God will sign you up for the same course, until you learn the lesson." Ok, Ok, I am learning! I am learning!
Lastly, and I swear even though she was being telecast from the other room, she looked me straight in the eye - don't you hate it when speakers do that! - and she said
"If you don't know your 'Why', your 'Want' doesn't matter"
Ok now, here she got me. I know my want. I have my goals set, on my goal poster, I affirm them and pray over them every day. But I never really set forth my why's clearly and directly. In fact, I believe my why's changed daily. So, I went to a quiet place - hard found by the way with 10,000 plus women - and I began to write my why's and prioritize them. And now I am listing them for you. Why? You may ironically ask?
Well because my goal is big. I am looking to wear that director's ring by October 1st. I want to be a director, and I want to have a team of women that are in the business of enriching the lives of others. I want you to know the Why's because there are going to be days that I lose sight of these why's. There will be days I am tired and discouraged and don't think I can make it any more. And when I call you and I am crying and exausted, I want you to ask me
"Amanda, when you are finished crying what are you going to do?" And then I want you to remind me of my why's. Put their faces in front of me and remind me that I have a purpose and a plan directed by God and they are the reason.
With that my friend's I give you my why's.
#1. to be out of debt
#2. to get my parents out of debt that they are in because they have supported my dream.
#3. to help pay for Devin’s education so he does not come out of school with the debt I currently have
#4. to help fund whatever opportunity God opens up for the orphans in Botswana
#5. to be able to get on a plane and go to be with my mom and dad whenever I feel like it because I can afford it.
#6. to be able to meet a special need for a missionary when it arises
#7. to further the work of the gospel
#8. to enrich the lives of women with the love of God by one on one contact in my business
#9. to invest in the lives of people around the world with Kingdom good news
#10. to be able to say “To God be the Glory” every step of the way.
To all these reasons I step out of my house in faith, believing His plan is for me.
The struggle of the past nine months has simply been to set my focus and to strengthen my relationship with my BEST FRIEND. Pray with me, as I know that the War is WON, but there are battle’s yet to come.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Amanda News
Quick update for those that are interested.
Well, 1st of all I am not going to Korea. There are some reasons that I have that seem to be controversial to everyone else, but they are not the one whose life it ultimately affects so the decision is made.
One of the reasons is due to my youngest brother's homecoming. Or at least return back to the U.S., this is not really his home. I just sat down and reflected on my 1st year back in the US. It was HORRIBLE. It left deep scars that 11 years later I am still healing from. Derek’s 1st year here was pretty much the same, and I just do not want Devin to go through the same hurt and pain. One’s 1st year back is always hard no matter what, but I want to give him something I never had….someone who cared enough to drop everything and be there when I needed them. I made this decision before going to Mary Kay seminar last week, so I wouldn’t be swept up in the emotion of it all and make my decision then.
The company in Korea I was going to work for (I told them that due to family circumstances I did not feel it wise to pursue the opportunity at this time), completely understood, and asked that in the future should I want to come…even for 6 months that I consider the opportunity open to me. That was nice.
2nd of all, I am getting out of Houston. I do not know what this means, but I know it means I am leaving here. I have had several offers by MK directors in Virginia to come and live with them for a month or so while I find something there. However, I have also have thought about Atlanta. Right now I am just praying about it. My roommate did tell me yesterday that I need to plan on moving by September 1st or helping him with the rent. He has been an amazing blessing and never asked this of me before, and he is really struggling right now, so I said...of course.
As for my MK..I currently have 8 team members 7 active and moving up. On target for my 1st car which I plan on earning by the end of the month.
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago that was a public apology and offer of forgiveness to a specific group of people. Not really realizing it at the time, but I was opening up the communication lines between myself and the Lord again. I could not figure out why all the praying I was doing didn’t seem to go past the ceiling. I prayed for a revelation of sin that might be holding it back, and though that was not a lightning strike revelation, publicly forgiving was something I knew I had to do. After that, miracles have begun to happen in my life again.
I had money for bills I did not know how I was going to pay. I was within 30 minutes and $2300 of not having enough production to stay on target for my MK car and having to start over. My newest team member placed a $2400 order at 11:30 pm on the last day. I am still on target for my car. Yesterday I was frustrated and praying regarding my frustration and lack of funds, and before I could finish the prayer, my phone rang and I have a temp job for the next 2 ½ weeks right here in The Woodlands…with perfect hours that will not cut into my Mary Kay business at all.
I also was trying on a bridesmaid dress for my friend’s wedding in September (which I can now attend), and was able to book a facial and set up an interview with a potential team member.
This is awesome to me. Even in the lowest part of the valley, for the 1st time in my life I kept my eyes focused on the upward not the outward. I am learning to trust when there is no physical thing to which to cling. More awesome than that I crave to spend time with Jesus. I have heard people say that for years and never got it. I thought they were just nuts, faking it in someway. But no, I just wasn’t where I was supposed to be. In the past 7 days, things have happened in my life. I was prophesied over by some woman who had never met me before, I had a prophetic dream (I have not done this in 3 ½ years and after talking to the person the dream was about, know it to be truthful), I have seen God work in my life and in the lives of my friends in EXCITING ways! I have experienced the 1st steps of healing in a friendship I thought for sure was gone forever.
Am I on the mountain top?…no…not yet, but I am climbing. There are struggles yet to come I know, but I finally feel as though I am making my way out of the valley I was in.
That is my news, to God be the Glory.
The End.
Well, 1st of all I am not going to Korea. There are some reasons that I have that seem to be controversial to everyone else, but they are not the one whose life it ultimately affects so the decision is made.
One of the reasons is due to my youngest brother's homecoming. Or at least return back to the U.S., this is not really his home. I just sat down and reflected on my 1st year back in the US. It was HORRIBLE. It left deep scars that 11 years later I am still healing from. Derek’s 1st year here was pretty much the same, and I just do not want Devin to go through the same hurt and pain. One’s 1st year back is always hard no matter what, but I want to give him something I never had….someone who cared enough to drop everything and be there when I needed them. I made this decision before going to Mary Kay seminar last week, so I wouldn’t be swept up in the emotion of it all and make my decision then.
The company in Korea I was going to work for (I told them that due to family circumstances I did not feel it wise to pursue the opportunity at this time), completely understood, and asked that in the future should I want to come…even for 6 months that I consider the opportunity open to me. That was nice.
2nd of all, I am getting out of Houston. I do not know what this means, but I know it means I am leaving here. I have had several offers by MK directors in Virginia to come and live with them for a month or so while I find something there. However, I have also have thought about Atlanta. Right now I am just praying about it. My roommate did tell me yesterday that I need to plan on moving by September 1st or helping him with the rent. He has been an amazing blessing and never asked this of me before, and he is really struggling right now, so I said...of course.
As for my MK..I currently have 8 team members 7 active and moving up. On target for my 1st car which I plan on earning by the end of the month.
I wrote a blog a few weeks ago that was a public apology and offer of forgiveness to a specific group of people. Not really realizing it at the time, but I was opening up the communication lines between myself and the Lord again. I could not figure out why all the praying I was doing didn’t seem to go past the ceiling. I prayed for a revelation of sin that might be holding it back, and though that was not a lightning strike revelation, publicly forgiving was something I knew I had to do. After that, miracles have begun to happen in my life again.
I had money for bills I did not know how I was going to pay. I was within 30 minutes and $2300 of not having enough production to stay on target for my MK car and having to start over. My newest team member placed a $2400 order at 11:30 pm on the last day. I am still on target for my car. Yesterday I was frustrated and praying regarding my frustration and lack of funds, and before I could finish the prayer, my phone rang and I have a temp job for the next 2 ½ weeks right here in The Woodlands…with perfect hours that will not cut into my Mary Kay business at all.
I also was trying on a bridesmaid dress for my friend’s wedding in September (which I can now attend), and was able to book a facial and set up an interview with a potential team member.
This is awesome to me. Even in the lowest part of the valley, for the 1st time in my life I kept my eyes focused on the upward not the outward. I am learning to trust when there is no physical thing to which to cling. More awesome than that I crave to spend time with Jesus. I have heard people say that for years and never got it. I thought they were just nuts, faking it in someway. But no, I just wasn’t where I was supposed to be. In the past 7 days, things have happened in my life. I was prophesied over by some woman who had never met me before, I had a prophetic dream (I have not done this in 3 ½ years and after talking to the person the dream was about, know it to be truthful), I have seen God work in my life and in the lives of my friends in EXCITING ways! I have experienced the 1st steps of healing in a friendship I thought for sure was gone forever.
Am I on the mountain top?…no…not yet, but I am climbing. There are struggles yet to come I know, but I finally feel as though I am making my way out of the valley I was in.
That is my news, to God be the Glory.
The End.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
HIS Hands and Feet
This post is a letter from a missionary woman in Tanzania. While she was being the hands and feet of God....her son was receiving a heart procedure in Texas Children's Medical. Most would say she was crazy not to be there by his side. But you see...She serves an OMNIPRESENT Father, who was there with her in Africa and here in Texas with her husband and son. She is being used to ultimate glory....being the hands and feet of Jesus.
One never knows what a day may bring. Yesterday was a particularly busy day filled with many visits by sick people. It’s not everyday we have a real doctor in our midst and so I had invited all my friends here with health issues to meet with Dr. Ocean Williams. As the morning headed into the afternoon, we had one last visitor. This elderly man’s name was Paulo from the village of Malanga. Paulo had heard that I send people to Lugoda (the Unilever hospital) for “treatment” and insisted that his daughter needed to go there as well. Paulo had been drinking the local brew, so I was a little bit skeptical about his story. I tried to explain to this animated father that Lugoda only offers help to outsiders with HIV/AIDS. He insisted that his daughter certainly didn’t have any virus. Reviewing his daughter’s health records, we could see that she hadn’t been tested for HIV and we could also see that this man had paid a lot for his daughter’s care with no success. Paulo and I went back and forth on the issue of HIV testing. In the end he concluded that he would simply accompany us to his daughter’s home in Malanga. He was insistent. So we went.
What we found was what was left of a beautiful mother of two sitting by a low fire. There was little left on her tiny body. Her name is Conastasia. I just wanted to cry as she whispered that she couldn’t lie down or breathe and that she was in terrible pain. Ocean said that she certainly needed HIV testing and that she probably had pneumonia and TB as well. I somehow managed to have exactly the right amount of money to transport her to Lugoda and to get her tested and help. I have no idea if the effects of HIV/AIDS can be reversed, but at least we can try. The father kept thanking me, but I tried to get him to recognize that truly this help came from God and not us. That was when Paulo looked me straight in the eye and said, “I don’t see any God, but I do see you!” I thought that perhaps at that moment I had had the awesome privilege to be His hands and His feet for these people. They let us pray for Conastasia and their forthcoming journey. I am so thankful that Paulo was so insistent as we would have missed a wonderful opportunity to be His hands and feet that day.
We are currently helping over 30 families get the treatment they need for HIV/AIDS and I only see the number growing. I am thankful some of my more experienced families are helping the new ones get to the hospital and through the right doors. It’s scary for these folks to navigate transport to new places much less the hospital. Their hope of living is outweighed by their fears. Please do pray that we would have wisdom as we try to address HIV/AIDS in the villages where we live. It is a reality that we cannot close our eyes to.
In His service,
One never knows what a day may bring. Yesterday was a particularly busy day filled with many visits by sick people. It’s not everyday we have a real doctor in our midst and so I had invited all my friends here with health issues to meet with Dr. Ocean Williams. As the morning headed into the afternoon, we had one last visitor. This elderly man’s name was Paulo from the village of Malanga. Paulo had heard that I send people to Lugoda (the Unilever hospital) for “treatment” and insisted that his daughter needed to go there as well. Paulo had been drinking the local brew, so I was a little bit skeptical about his story. I tried to explain to this animated father that Lugoda only offers help to outsiders with HIV/AIDS. He insisted that his daughter certainly didn’t have any virus. Reviewing his daughter’s health records, we could see that she hadn’t been tested for HIV and we could also see that this man had paid a lot for his daughter’s care with no success. Paulo and I went back and forth on the issue of HIV testing. In the end he concluded that he would simply accompany us to his daughter’s home in Malanga. He was insistent. So we went.
What we found was what was left of a beautiful mother of two sitting by a low fire. There was little left on her tiny body. Her name is Conastasia. I just wanted to cry as she whispered that she couldn’t lie down or breathe and that she was in terrible pain. Ocean said that she certainly needed HIV testing and that she probably had pneumonia and TB as well. I somehow managed to have exactly the right amount of money to transport her to Lugoda and to get her tested and help. I have no idea if the effects of HIV/AIDS can be reversed, but at least we can try. The father kept thanking me, but I tried to get him to recognize that truly this help came from God and not us. That was when Paulo looked me straight in the eye and said, “I don’t see any God, but I do see you!” I thought that perhaps at that moment I had had the awesome privilege to be His hands and His feet for these people. They let us pray for Conastasia and their forthcoming journey. I am so thankful that Paulo was so insistent as we would have missed a wonderful opportunity to be His hands and feet that day.
We are currently helping over 30 families get the treatment they need for HIV/AIDS and I only see the number growing. I am thankful some of my more experienced families are helping the new ones get to the hospital and through the right doors. It’s scary for these folks to navigate transport to new places much less the hospital. Their hope of living is outweighed by their fears. Please do pray that we would have wisdom as we try to address HIV/AIDS in the villages where we live. It is a reality that we cannot close our eyes to.
In His service,
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