Thursday, March 30, 2006

Top 10 Reasons to Love me

I had to do this exercise for a book I am reading and was amazed at how difficult it can be to come up with 10. As we are told to be humble all of our lives, sometimes we miss out on the one person that is truely special in our lives....ourselves! God made us! He LOVES us! and here are 10 reasons why we should love us too! I challenge you to make 10 for yourself. You will be laughing at the end.

(BTW, YES I realize there are more than 10....ha ha ha Humility is one of them!)

10. I am a generally happy person and will do anything within reason to make you the same.
9. I am loyal to a fault, will love you back fiercely and never let you down on purpose
8. All great things begin with the letter "A"
7. I see beauty all around me...even when it is hard
6. I cook a mean pan of brownies!
5. I love to cuddle
4. I will be honest with you even if it is going to hurt me
3. I seek to know all the words to your life song and sing them back to you when you lose direction.
2. I believe in helping you find and accomplish your dreams
1. and the number one reason to love me.....well...I am Amanda!

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