Friday, April 25, 2008


.....I hate that the perfect answer is wait...having faith that "He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it." Trust in another and know that God's timing (not my timing) is perfect.

...the warrior is a child who just needs a place to hide for a little while. (thank you Twila Paris!)

...those you believe are worth fighting for don't believe it of themselves, so everything you can do is pray that God will give the the vision to see.

...even though it is blazingly obvious that other people's struggles are much bigger, yours feel insurmountable.

...tomorrow doesn't bring sun but rainstorms. justhave to get away and let God move in you from a different vantage I last night I booked a flight here....I leave May 7 and will chronicle my journey here.

Isn't it wonderful that
His promises are faithful and true!

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