Happy New Year to all....and blessings for what promises to be a fantastic 2008!
This past weekend I celebrated the 31st anniversary of my day of birth.
One thing about having a January birthday, it allows you to stop and take stock at the beginning of the year at the same time as one is normally already taking stock and making resolutions.
I personally am not a resolution maker. I know myself well enough to know that I am going to break them so instead I set goals for myself that I know that with the right planning I can accomplish and will feel good about accomplishing.
However, I do like to look back at the past year and see what God has done. Last year at this time the Lord was working in my life (to say the least!) In all honesty though my birthday weekend turned out ok, my life was fairly misreable, I had just moved to Dallas to take a job that I thought I really wanted and it turned out to be the job from that really really hot place, I had yet to truly find a church home, I was struggling with faith as a whole, I had not really found a community and did not have that many friends with whom I could live life.
This year on my birthday my life was contrastly different. I found myself sitting on the front row the church I am honored to call home and where I have the pleasure of serving. As my church began to sing the amazing song "Glorious Day" I had a taste of what heaven would be like. I was surrounded by friends, people the love me and people whom I love. People that I have the honor of doing life with! People that stand beside me in the gap to fight the battles of the unseen, friends that laugh and cry and share their lives with me. Best of all we were in adoring worship of the Father and the glorious day that our sweet Lord will return.
I have a job that I love! A boss that is so incredible and co-workers that I respect and with whom I enjoy working! (what a concept huh!)
I have an incredibly family on both sides of the Atlantic that I get to call mine. I am being able to develop relationships with many of my extended family that I have not had the joy of knowing deeply before.
My life is a testimony of God's faithfulness. That He would bless someone so incredibly unworthy with so much is humbling.
31...actually in my 30's. It is going to be a grand adventure...the sky's the limit!!
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