Sunday, January 28, 2007

Overwhelming Grace

I just read the blog entitled "My God, Why?", by R. G Lewis, a missionary man of long time aquaintance.

I have recently been struggling with this same question myself. I found myself in the second chapter of Ruth, where Boaz says to her "May the God who has already given you refuge, bless you." (my paraphrase.)

My question was this. Why would God bless me more when He has already given me refuge? The refuge in and of itself is already more than I could ever hope to deserve.

For my ministry raised, Christian world mind, the answer was "obviously" GRACE. But to my forgiven sinner heart, I was once again brought back to a profound humbleness that can only be found when faced with the TRUTH of HIS love.

A police escort

Yesterday I decided to make good use of my Mary Kay personal time and go meet some potential customers at the Dallas Bridal Fair. I took the time to research this fair, looking on the website for any rules and restrictions against personal sales people, not allowed in, etc., and found nothing.

However, I found out once I go there that they take passing out business cards a pretty serious business at this particular fair.

They literally had the sheriff's department there to escort people "soliciting" brides (i.e. Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, etc) off the property if they caught you talking to brides, passing out business cards, and/or a flyer. I noticed one person as I walked in but did not think anything of it till later.....

Luckily (for my conscious sake) I did not know this for the first 30-45 minutes I was there. So, I was able to talk to a few brides and pass out a few cards. However, I started noticing that there were staff and a few security people everywhere and started to get a bad feeling. So instead I tried a different tactic and started networking with several of the vendors. Sure enough, while I was talking to one of them, a bride came up and started talking to her as well. I thought since she was standing there I would hand her a bridal flyer. A staff member came over and stood right beside me. She told me that since "I seemed nice, and she had been watching me talk to vendors, etc, she would let me stay, however, I was not to give anything else to a bride or I would be escorted from the building! Yipes!! :-)

So, you know me...I smiled sweetly and told her thank you so much for the information, as I had looked everywhere for any rules regarding this (including the website) and had not found them. I assured her if these were the rules I would no longer give any information out to a bride, but I would love to earn HER business and handed her a $25 gift certificate! ha! Coals of kindness people!

However, also please note that for the sake of integrity in my own person, I did not break any more rules and did not pass out anymore cards to brides.

So I am praying that the cards that I was able to hand out and the couple of names I was able to get will not return back to me void. I am really praying that I will also be able to work with several of these vendors. I am very serious about getting back on track with my business and getting out of my current work situation.

We'll see what God has for me! :) I am smiling! Imagine being escorted by not just security, but actual policemen for passing out a MK card! So glad I did not get caught! :)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I am alive and well

Oh my faithful readers, I did not realize that you missed me so much, but I am thankful that you all care enough to email and find out why I am not blogging. Truth be told, it is hard to blog at work and I don't have much computer access at night right now, so it is simply a case of unavoidable delay rather than depression, or avoidance, etc. Thanks to those who took the time to write and find out how I was doing, etc.

COLD....That is what the weather is here in Dallas, TX. For the first time in several years I am experiencing a "true" winter. By that I mean that temperatures have been in the 40's or less for longer than a day and a half, and I am beginning to forget what the sun looks like. I don't even remember the last time I wore my sunglasses and I often wear those even on rainy days if it is glarey. (which I am pretty sure is a word I just made up...definition, when there is a glare it is glarey!)

Now for those of you who have just and are currently experiencing the cold and ice in the Midwest and northeast parts of our country, the above paragraph is in no way a cry for sympathy. I personally am so glad that I am not where you are and I do acknowledge that you would love it to be in the 40' fact, you might even break out the light jackets when that temperature hits.

Work is interesting place. I have been reading in my dear friend Lance's blog and have been amused at his latest tales of Auto Magic. One day soon I will begin the tales of Cultural Awareness, and I assure you ladies and gentleman, like Lance says "You just can't make this stuff up." I will give you a sampling with a sentence that was recently told to a co-worker of mine...."Well J. we were going to fire you at the end of last year, but decided to give you a promotion and a raise instead!" I kid you not! Just wait more tales to come. Simply know that I am on the lookout for a more appealing place to earn funds, and Auto Magic looks somewhat attractive at this point.

In other tales, my 30th came and went without too much adieu. I was supposed to have this great birthday bash entitled "30! and the party lives on!!" And then came in the rain and ice and the party had to be postponed. As I am finally moving into my own place on the 5th of next month (praise the LORD!!) I have decided it will be a combined housewarming/late birthday party.

However, though I was indoors all of last weekend....God knew exactly what and who I would need. I had my wonderful family the Kennedy's come up from Abilene to meet their son, Ryan (whose day of birth falls exactly 10 years and and hour and a half later than mine). They stayed with the Done's (my family from Hong Kong who now blessedly live in Keller). And we were iced in! Praise the Lord for that time. We laughed and watched movies, and read books and played games, cooked great food (including my now famous Caramel Popcorn) and really, though they may never realize it, had the best birthday weekend I could possibly imagine. I was blessed beyond measure at "family" that God has given me when mine is not near, and I am forever grateful for the love that they show me whenever I am around....Blessed...I am so incredibly Blessed!!

Ty Pennington did not show up to marry me...but hey there is always next year, right?

With that my friends for now, you are caught up. I will start tales and more saga stories later. Just wait till I tell you about how I discovered the secret project of a local architectural firm! ha!
Loving all of you...blessed you are in my life....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


My new years resolution was not to make any...and I believe I succeeded! Yea!!

Welcome to 2007! This is going to be a great year. In Phil. 3:13 - Paul says " I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead..." Now there are a lot of biblical trails I could take you down, but I won't. I simply claim this as my verse for 2007. 2006 was a rough year, full of a lot of crap that I choose to put behind me.

2007 is full of promise. There are 10 more shopping days until the 30th anniversary of the date of my birth, in one month I will be back to living in my own place, I am in a wonderful church where I am going to get involved in the missions program, my Mary Kay is taking off, and my life is full to overflowing with those that love me and bless my life in countless ways! I come!