Friday, September 08, 2006

Praise and Prayer

DALLAS BOUND!! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am headed to Dallas. The move will be quite swift as they want me there on Wedneday of next week. However, never fear my Houston friends, I will be back in a few weekends to say official goodbyes. Besides, Dallas is only a 3 hour drive away.

I will be working on support staff at Cultural Awareness International, as I step into the industry, and will hopefully move up into a consultant position in the next few months. I am very excited. Very nervous. Very, very overwhelmed! But also praising!!! I am also forever grateful for each prayer that was lifted up for me! The love and support I have received in the past few months has been amazing, I can not imagine where I would be without each one of you.

As for my brothers, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your many emails, text messages and calls to check on them.

Derek, (in Atlanta) has been put on blood pressure medication, and is still in need of a lot of prayer. He is under a lot of stress and pressure at his job, and is not the type to just take it easy because he is not feeling well. The doctor has cautioned him to slow down to a crawl, until his blood pressure goes down. Please continue to pray for him, that the Lord will protect and heal him. More so I ask that you pray that Derek will turn to the Lord for His help.

Devin, (in Botswana) and mom are in Johannesburg, South Africa with the Dr.s there. Praise the Lord his liver and kidney screens came back clear. However, he is still in an amazing amount of pain that they cannot seem to narrow down. He did have to have a colonoscopy, all they found was inflammation in his stomach and intestines, but the doctor said it wasn’t enough to cause the pain he is having. They will probably wait there until Monday to see another doctor, the one who diagnosed his Epstein Barr last year. Again, please continue to pray.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
Words are not enough. You support me in ways you cannot imagine. I am so blessed because each of you are in my life!


MC said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you and extremely proud. This sounds like a fantastic opportunity for you and a really good fit. Let the journey continue ...

K said...

WoW! Miss a few days around here and miss alot!! Congrats on the job, but we sure will miss you around these parts. The job looks like it is exactly where God needs you.

Now, one condition, you need to come by before you go, and you must visit often!!

Way to go... Godspeed!