Friday, March 12, 2010

It's out of my hands....

I am studying in Ephesians right now - I wasn't too sure when I first started the study...but I am now loving it. What is striking to me is the amount of times that the phrase "according to" or "in accordance with" shows up in this book.

"According to the good pleasure of His will" "According to the riches of His grace." "According to his good pleasure", "According to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will", "According to the working of His mighty power", - and that is just chapter one! What I am learning from that is that it is not "according to" ME at is His will, His Grace, His mercy, His power, His might, His purposes that were designed before the foundation of the world....and I have been chosen by Him to be a receipient of that.

There are days like today when I wake up and can rest totally in that. Then there are days like yesterday...when I wanted all control and rest and trust where something I had to wrestle against my own self to attain.

Oh that I might learn to have more days like today.

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