Friday, December 12, 2008

So much....

I have started 4 different blogs and they are all in some form or another unfinished.  Maybe they will get published, maybe not.  There is so much in me right now that wants to come out, to be shared, but for now I am just keeping it close.  I am not sure why.  Pride, fear, judgement....desire for my words to be articulate or "read worthy".  I don't know...but what is in me will not quite come out.  It just hovers on the tip of my brain.

I heard something good today from a friend of mine.  She got it from Psalm 139.  She said, Don't worry about your future because to God it is history.  This has deeply pierced me as my fear of the unknown is somehow trying to rear its ugly head.

The covenant promises of God are so true, so faithful, who am I to fear?  He holds tomorrow and is already there.  That is a good word.


MC said...

I just LOVE reading your blog. I don't seem to get much time lately to read anybody's blogs, so when I do, I "catch up" from the last one I read. You're so funny. And gifted. And blessed. I miss you.

And, by the way, I, too, often find 2 or 3 bottles with varying levels of water in each. So, I've developed a habit of taking them and emptying them into the various plants around the house. You should try it!

Anonymous said...

Remember the sign we once had for Derek....
Do not be afraid of tomorrow, God is already there!

Nat Pat said...

hope you have a great trip and enjoy your family! Merry Christmas!