Cecil is my “new to me” 03 Rav4. My sweet little blessing from God. My former vehicle, little Franny was pretty much done. She had over 222k miles on her (143k of those we had driven together), she has not had air for over a year, there were several knocking noises that were not someone trying to get in, and the final straw came when a plastic strip of the undercarriage decided to fall and drag under me announcing my presence wherever I went.
I called my favorite car dealer, Scott Sims of Freedom Motors (the only person to buy a car from), and told him to be on the look out I was ready to move on. He found a great little Solara, but it was white with Beige interior, and as you know my 3 rules of thumb are:
1. if it is a car must have sun roof
2. It cannot be a Honda (or a boy who drives one – no offense to you boy Honda drivers I have just had horrible experience with the several that I have dated that drove Honda’s so I made a decision never to that again. I am aware of a couple of you who are currently dating Honda drivers and you happen to date the exceptions to the rule!:-))
3. it CANNOT be white!
I mean really, can you imagine me in a white car with beige interior? Does that even sound like me? I think not!
So back to auction they went and found my sweet Cecil, a silver 03 Rav4, the vehicle I have been drooling over for ages.God also gave over and above my need (as He always does), and gave to me a sunroof and tinted windows! How blessed am I! My needs and my wants!
New car, new adventures….stay tuned!!!!!

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